Hurrell North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) Index (Station-Based)
The winter (December thru March) station-based index of the NAO is based on the difference of normalized sea level pressure (SLP) between Lisbon, Portugal and...- dataset NetCDF
CMIP6 SSP5-8.5 experiments (2015-2100) with CAM6, interactive land (CLM5), co...
SSP-based RCP scenario with high radiative forcing by the end of century. Following approximately RCP8.5 global forcing pathway with SSP5 socioeconomic conditions....- dataset NetCDF
CESM Large Ensemble Project
The CESM Large Ensemble Project, led by Dr. Clara Deser and Dr. Jennifer Kay, is a publicly available set of climate model simulations intended for advancing understanding of...- dataset NetCDF
CMIP6 esm-ssp585 experiments (2015-2100) with CAM6, interactive land (CLM5), ...
Emission driven future scenario (SSP-based RCP SSP5-8.5) up to 2100. Starting conditions taken from emissions-driven Historical simulation. (CMIP6 Experiment). Users can access...- dataset NetCDF
CESM/WACCM Runs Under Different Solar Conditions
Fundamental understanding of the climate responses to solar variability is obscured by the large and complex climate variability. This long-standing issue is addressed here by...- dataset NetCDF
CMIP6 CESM2 piControl experiment with CAM6, interactive land (CLM5), coupled ...
A pre-industrial control simulation with non-evolving pre-industrial conditions. Conditions chosen to be representative of the period prior to the onset of large-scale...- dataset NetCDF
CMIP6 SSP2-4.5 experiments (2015-2100) with CAM6, interactive land (CLM5), co...
SSP-based RCP scenario with medium radiative forcing by the end of the century. Following approximately RCP4.5 global forcing pathway with SSP2 socioeconomic conditions....- dataset NetCDF
CMIP6 CESM2 1pctCO2 experiment with high-top atmosphere (WACCM6) with interac...
Increase atmospheric CO2 concentration gradually at a rate of 1 percent per year. The concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide is increased from the global annual mean 1850...- dataset NetCDF
CMIP6 CESM2 AMIP hindcast (1950-2014) with high-top atmosphere (WACCM6) with ...
An atmosphere only climate simulation using prescribed sea surface temperature and sea ice concentrations but with other conditions as in the Historical simulation. (CMIP6...- dataset NetCDF
This is a 10-member ensemble of SSP2-4.5 simulations with CESM2 (WACCM6) that provide control simulations for the ARISE-SAI (Assessing Responses and Impacts of Solar climate...- dataset NetCDF
CMIP6 CESM2 1pctCO2 experiment with interactive atmosphere (CAM6), interactiv...
Increase atmospheric CO2 concentration gradually at a rate of 1 percent per year. The concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide is increased from the global annual mean 1850...- dataset NetCDF
PMIP4 mid-holocene run
Impose Mid-Holocene (6 kyr ago) boundary conditions for orbital parameters and the atmospheric concentration of well-mixed greenhouse gases. Run for at least 100 years after...- dataset NetCDF
CESM2 and CESM1 data supporting Long et al. (2021): Simulations with the Mari...
The Marine Biogeochemistry Library (MARBL) is a prognostic ocean biogeochemistry model that simulates marine ecosystem dynamics and the coupled cycles of carbon, nitrogen,...- dataset NetCDF
CMIP6 20th century experiments (1850-2014) with CAM6, interactive land (CLM5)...
Simulation of recent past (1850 to 2014). Impose changing conditions (consistent with observations). Should be initialised from a point early enough in the pre-industrial...- dataset NetCDF
Same as land-hist except no land-use change (see Section 2.1 LUMIP FAQ docume...
Land surface model simulation. Historical forcing with land use held constant at 1850. Same as land-hist except no land use change. Include representation of land cover, land...- dataset NetCDF
CESM simulation from ASD
High-resolution global climate modeling holds the promise of capturing planetary-scale climate modes and small-scale (regional and sometimes extreme) features simultaneously,...- dataset NetCDF
CESM2 SSP2-4.5 with Modified Biomass Burning Emissions
This is a 16 member ensemble of simulations with CESM2 under the SSP2-4.5 forcing scenario from 2015 to 2100. These simulations can be compared with the CESM2 Large Ensemble and...- dataset NetCDF
CMIP6 CESM2 hindcast (1850-2014) with high-top atmosphere (WACCM6) with inter...
Simulation of recent past (1850 to 2014). Impose changing conditions (consistent with observations). Should be initialised from a point early enough in the pre-industrial...- dataset NetCDF
SMYLE (Seasonal-to-MultiYear Large Ensemble) is an initialized prediction system using CESM2. It consists of fully coupled initialized hindcast simulations using CESM2 component...- dataset NetCDF
CESM2 Mechanically Decoupled
The CESM2 Mechanically Decoupled Model (MDM) is designed to simulate buoyancy coupled climate variability. The MDM consists of the same model components, including the dynamic...- dataset NetCDF