CMIP6 CESM2 1pctCO2 experiment with interactive atmosphere (CAM6), interactive land (CLM5), coupled ocean (POP2) with biogeochemistry (MARBL), interactive sea ice (CICE5.1), and non-evolving land ice (CISM2.1)

Increase atmospheric CO2 concentration gradually at a rate of 1 percent per year. The concentration of atmospheric carbon dioxide is increased from the global annual mean 1850 value until quadrupling. (CMIP6 Experiment).

Users can access the data from the Earth System Grid Federation or Climate Data Gateway as registered users; see the 'Related links' section.

Diagnostic plots are also available from the 'Related links'.

NCAR users may access the data from Glade; path(s) listed in the 'Additional Information' section.

To Access Resource:

Questions? Email Resource Support Contact:

  • DiscussCESM Forums (
    UCAR/NCAR - Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory


Resource Type dataset
Temporal Range Begin N/A
Temporal Range End N/A
Temporal Resolution Annual;Monthly;Daily;
Bounding Box North Lat 90.0
Bounding Box South Lat -90.0
Bounding Box West Long -180.0
Bounding Box East Long 180.0
Spatial Representation grid
Spatial Resolution 0.9 latitude_resolution_atmosphere_land_degrees
1.25 longitude_resolution_atmosphere_land_degrees
1.0 latitude_resolution_ocean_seaice_degrees
1.0 longitude_resolution_ocean_seaice_degrees
Related Links

Caseroot SVN URL : CESM Caseroot files archive including XML, user namelists and case source modifications.

CMIP6 Data Request : CMIP6 Data Request Details

DASH publication : DASH URL - enter search term CESM2 along with any other experiment title keywords or casename

ESGF publication : ESGF experiment data URL

atmosphere diagnostics : All the diags are here

Additional Information

These data were generated by release-cesm2.1.0 on 2019-01-15 using machine cheyenne.

CESM specific information:

casename = b.e21.B1PCT.f09_g17.CMIP6-1pctCO2.001

case_id = 58


grid = a%0.9x1.25_l%0.9x1.25_oi%gx1v7_r%r05_g%gland4_w%ww3a_m%gx1v7

NCAR users can access the native CESM single variable time series files at /gpfs/fs1/collections/cdg/timeseries-cmip6/b.e21.B1PCT.f09_g17.CMIP6-1pctCO2.001

Resource Format NETCDF
Standardized Resource Format NetCDF
Asset Size 2882774 MB
Legal Constraints

CESM Copyright and Terms of Use (

Access Constraints Registration required to download datasets
Software Implementation Language Fortran; python; perl

Resource Support Name DiscussCESM Forums (
Resource Support Email
Resource Support Organization UCAR/NCAR - Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory
Distributor UCAR/NCAR - Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory
Metadata Contact Name N/A
Metadata Contact Email
Metadata Contact Organization UCAR/NCAR - Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory

Author Community Earth System Model developers and affiliates
Publisher UCAR/NCAR - Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory
Publication Date 2019-06-06
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Not Assigned
Alternate Identifier 1pctCO2 (CMIP6 Experiment ID)
CESM2 (CMIP6 CESM Model Source)
r1i1p1f1 (CMIP6 Variant Label)
1 (CMIP6 Ensemble Number)
1 (CMIP6 Ensemble Size)
150 (CMIP6 Minimum Number of Years)
b.e21.B1PCT.f09_g17.CMIP6-1pctCO2.001 (CESM Case Name)
58 (CESM2 Experiments Database ID)
Resource Version release-cesm2.1.0
Topic Category climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
Progress completed
Metadata Date 2019-12-13T15:19:26.078481
Metadata Record Identifier edu.ucar.cesm::b.e21.B1PCT.f09_g17.CMIP6-1pctCO2.001::2019-06-06
Metadata Language eng
Suggested Citation Community Earth System Model developers and affiliates. (2019). CMIP6 CESM2 1pctCO2 experiment with interactive atmosphere (CAM6), interactive land (CLM5), coupled ocean (POP2) with biogeochemistry (MARBL), interactive sea ice (CICE5.1), and non-evolving land ice (CISM2.1). release-cesm2.1.0. UCAR/NCAR - Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory. Accessed 21 February 2025.

Harvest Source