Hinode Spectropolarimeter (SP) Level 1 (Calibrated) Full Stokes Data
Calibrated full Stokes data from the spectropolarimeter (SP) onboard the Hinode satellite. Calibrated 3D data (spectral dimension x spatial dimension x 4 Stokes parameters)...- dataset FITS
Hinode Spectropolarimeter (SP) Level 1.5 (Quick-Look) Physical Quantities
Collection of all Level 1.5 (Quickook) files (in IDL SAVE format) for the data from the Hinode Spectro-Polarimeter, since the launch of the mission in 2006. Each IDL SAVE file...- dataset FITS
Hinode Spectropolarimeter (SP) Level 2 (Calibrated) Full Stokes Data
The SOT/SP level 2 data are outputs from the MERLIN spectral line inversion developed under the Community Spectro-polarimetric Analysis Center (CSAC) initiative. Each Level 2...- dataset FITS