Workshop Review: Management of Data Collected in GRAMP (Gulf Region Atmospher...
In response to the demolition and subsequent burning of the Kuwait oil fires this report summarizes a workshop that was held July 24-26, 1991 at the National Center for...- publication PDF
Characterization of Uncertainty in Measurements of Wind from the NSF/NCAR Gul...
This technical note presents an analysis of uncertainty for measurements of wind from the Gulfstream V research aircraft operated by the National Center for Atmospheric Research...- publication PDF
Description of SOCRATES-a Chemical Dynamical Radiative Two-dimensional Model
This report presents the details of the most recent version SOCRATES (Simulation of Chemistry, Radiation and Transport of Environmentally important Species). Major changes in...- publication PDF
The National Hail Research Experiment Report on the Alberta Hail Project
The Alberta Hail Project conducts airborne silver iodide seeding to test hail suppression in an 1800 square mile target which experiences 55-65 hail days annually. Randomization...- publication PDF
Case Studies on Convective Storms / Case Study 10, 22 July 1975: Mature Storm...
This Technical Note is a case study of one of the storms examined in the 1975 field season of the National Hail Research Experiment, during which the two primary observing...- publication PDF
A Generalized Theoretical Analysis of Cross-correlation and Cross-spectra for...
In the analysis of data obtained from SA systems, the most common approach is to assume models of the diffraction pattern without relating it to the statistical properties of...- publication PDF
GHOST Balloon Data Volume V: Balloon 49R
Early Global Horizontal Sounding Technique (GHOST) balloon tests have resulted in valuable upper air wind data, particularly in the data-poor mid-latitudes over southern...- publication PDF
Vertical Interpolation and Truncation of Model-coordinate Data
This technical note explores the advantages and disadvantages of using global analyses on 1) pressure level surfaces, and 2) model (sigma or hybrid) level surfaces and the...- publication PDF
CCM Progress Report--July 1990
This report is a accumulation of brief reports required of all Community Climate Model (CCM) users both inside and outside of NCAR. The report serves to augment periodically...- publication PDF
Harry Van Loon Symposium, Studies in Climate II
This symposium was held to celebrate Harry van Loon's contribution to Climate Studies. Harry van Loon has been a scientist at NCAR since 1963. Since that time he has published...- publication PDF
Refactoring Data-Driven Model Selection Code for Improvements in Interpretabi...
Buchholz et al. used observations of total column carbon monoxide (CO) from the Measurements Of Pollution In The Troposphere (MOPITT) satellite instrument to build a record of...- publication PDF
The Relative Accuracy of ALPEX Aircraft Data / an Evaluation of the ALPEX Int...
During the ALPEX progran, three participating large research aircraft - the NCAR Electra, the NOAA P5, and the DFVLR Falcon - joined for an interccmparison flight. Using the...- publication PDF
A Delta-Eddington Mutiple Scattering Parameterization for Solar Radiation in ...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Climate of the Upper Air: Southern Hemisphere: Volume 1: Temperatures, Dew Po...
This is the first volume in a set of four volumes which depict the upper air climatology of the world, covering selected climatic conditions in the Southern Hemisphere. Volume I...- publication PDF
Quantifying the Spatial Structure of Tropical Cyclone Imagery
Tropical cyclones are highly organized, rotating storms which rank among the most costly natural disasters in the United States. The processes which drive intensification and...- publication PDF
Preliminary Design, ENCAR-1 Rocket-Borne Cryogenic Air Sampler
The NCAR Isotope Geochemistry Program is developing a cryogenic air sampler fitted into the nose cone of the Aerobee-150 rocket. This rocket-borne sampling system has been...- publication PDF
The Marine Boundary Layer, From Air-sea Interface to Inversion
An overview is given of the structure of the marine boundary layer including the molecular interactions at the interface, the transfer processes in the surface layer, and the...- publication PDF
Regional Acid Deposition: Models and Physical Processes
This report reviews the physical and chemical phenomena that give rise to regional acidic precipitation and deposition, from the viewpoint that mathematical modeling of these...- publication PDF
Workshop Summary: Aircraft Mission Measurement Strategies for the NASA Subson...
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has initiated a major program to assess the impact of tropospheric aircraft on the atmosphere. The Subsonic Assessment...- publication PDF
Particulate Models: Their Validity and Application; A Workshop Held at the Na...
A workshop on particulate models was held at NCAR in Boulder, Colorado on 21 August 1970 to create more realistic models of atmospheric particulates that are required for...- publication PDF