Monthly Mean Rawinsondes, from NCEP/NCAR Global Reanalysis, 1948-continuing
Monthly mean rawinsonde data (and metadata) created by Jack Woollen from the daily soundings input to the NCEP/NCAR Global Reanalysis. Stephen Leroy of the Anderson Research...- dataset Binary NetCDF ASCII
Hildebrand's HAPEX King Air Flux and Soundings
The Hydrologic Atmospheric Pilot Experiment (HAPEX) was a project designed to measure the hydrological budget and evaporation flux at the scale of a general circulation model...- dataset ASCII
University of Wisconsin Antarctica Surface Observations, monthly 1980-1989
This dataset contains summary of the month data for Antarctic surface stations for 1980 through October, 1991. Some of the variables provided include minimum and maximum air...- dataset ASCII
NCDC TD9685 Global Surface Observations (from USAF DATSAV), hourly 1967-1980
Global surface observations for many stations in modified SYNOP format, primarily derived from USAF (ETAC) DATSAV...- dataset ASCII
NCEP ADP Eta (NAM) Subset Surface Observations
NCEP ADP Eta (NAM) Subset Surface Observations are composed of a regional synoptic set of surface data reports centered over North America. These were operationally collected by...- dataset Binary
The Thermospheric General Circulation Models (TGCM's)
The High Altitude Observatory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research has developed a series of numeric simulation models of the Earth's upper atmosphere, including the...- model NetCDF
Antarctic automatic weather station data for the calendar year, 1980-1988
This set of booklets includes monthly summaries for: Mean air temperature; maximum air temperature, minimum air temperature, mean wind speed, resultant wind speed, constancy,...- dataset Physical Media
Catalogue of data, World Data Center A, Oceanography, 1957-1969
These volumes provide a description of participating data centers and available data from World Data Center A: Oceanography. The time range covered is 1957-1969. The data...- dataset Physical Media
Summary of synoptic meteorological observations: North American Coastal marin...
This resource includes 15 volumes of coastal marine weather data, collected aboard US Naval Weather Service vessels. These volumes, chiefly tables, were published in 1970 by the...- dataset Physical Media
Report of instantaneous values of the intensity of direct solar radiation, 19...
This resource provides solar radiation observations made 1948-1965 compiled by the Taiwan Provincial Weather Bureau. The information provided includes: I - The values of the...- dataset Physical Media
Climatological data for Arctic stations, 1957-1958
This resource is a booklet summarizing polar meteorological observations from the International Geophysical Year, July 1957-Dec. 1958. Information provided includes measurements...- dataset Physical Media
Summary Report of Meteorological Data in Taiwan
This report is a summary of meteorological observations at the [23] stations in Taiwan Province, China during the period from the year of establishment [1897] up to the year of...- dataset Physical Media
Climate summaries of the year in New Caledonia and Dependencies
This resource contains meteorological data from New Caledonia, 1965-1967, 1969-1989. Summary: Annual summary of climate data collected from 64 observation points in New Caldonia...- dataset Physical Media
Brazil Climate Bulletin, 1970
This volume contains monthly summaries by 58 stations in tables. It includes data tables, maps and text summarizing data by region. The tables summarize observations from 58...- dataset Physical Media
Argentina, Climatic Normals, 1931-1960
This volume contains values averaged or summed by month and entire time period of climate observations collected from 80 towns located in 23 provinces or territories of...- dataset Physical Media
Summary Reports--Fellowship in Scientific Computing Summer 1973
A summary report and collection of papers from the 1973 Summer Fellowship Program in Scientific Computing and the scientific work of fellowship students who participated....- publication PDF
Summary Reports--Fellowship in Scientific Computing Summer 1974
This represents a collection of papers written by graduate students participating in the 1974 Summer Fellowship Program in Scientific Computing. The main emphasis of the program...- publication PDF
Catalogue of Meteorological Data Obtained During the Line Islands Experiment ...
The Line Islands Experiment, February-April 1967, was designed to provide comprehensive meteorological data in the oceanic part of the Equatorial Trough Zone. This document is a...- publication PDF
Internal Gravity and Acoustic Waves - a Colloquium
Between 17 June and 26 July 1968 the Advance Study Program at NCAR and the Astro-Geophysics Department of the University of Colorado conducted a six-week colloquium on the...- publication PDF
Theoretical Errors on Airborne Measurements Of: Static Pressure, Impact Tempe...
Report on a complete theory development that gives an exact calculation for all angles with irrotational flow around a sphere, the easiest shape for a nose radome which includes...- publication PDF