Summary of synoptic meteorological observations: North American Coastal marine areas

This resource includes 15 volumes of coastal marine weather data, collected aboard US Naval Weather Service vessels. These volumes, chiefly tables, were published in 1970 by the U.S. Naval Weather Service Command. Data for some locations were gathered many decades before publication. The data collection regions for each volume are as follows: Vol 1: Area 1 - Argentina; Area 2 - Bermuda; Area 3 - Guantanamo / Vol 2: Area 4 - Boston; Area 5 - Quonset Point; Area 6 - New York; Area 7 - Atlantic City / Vol 3: Area 8 - Norfolk; Area 9 - Cape Hatteras; Area 10 - Charlestown / Vol 4: Area 11 - Jacksonville; Area 12 - Miami; Area 13 - Key West / Vol 5: Area 14 - Fort Myers; Area 15 - Apalachicola; Area 16: Pensacola / Vol. 6: Area 17 - New Orleans; Area 18 - Galveston; Area 19 - Corpus Christi / Vol 7: Area 20 - Baja; Area 21 - San Diego 200SW; Area 22 - San Diego; Area 23 - Santa Rosa; / Vol. 8: Area 24 - Point Mugu; Area 25 - San Fransisco; Area 26 - Point Arena; Vol 9: Area 27 - Eureka; Area 28 - North Bend; Area 29 - New Port; / Vol. 10: Area 30 - Astoria; Area 31 - Seattle; / Vol. 11: Area 1 - Vancouver; Area 2 Queen Charlotte; Area 3 - Sitka; / Vol. 12: Area 4 - Cordova; Area 5 - Seward; Area 6 - Kodiak; / Vol. 13: Area 7 - Uninak; Area 8 - Dutch Harbor; Area 9 - Adak; Area 10 - Attu; / Vol 14: Area 11 - Bristol Bay; Area 12 - St. Paul; Area 13 - St. Paul 180 W; / Vol. 15 - Area 14 - Nunivak, Area 15 - St. Matthew, Area 16 - St. Lawrence, Area 17 - Cape Lisburne, Area 18 - Barrow.

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Resource Type dataset
Temporal Range Begin N/A
Temporal Range End N/A
Temporal Resolution N/A
Bounding Box North Lat N/A
Bounding Box South Lat N/A
Bounding Box West Long N/A
Bounding Box East Long N/A
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Additional Information N/A
Resource Format Physical media
Standardized Resource Format Physical Media
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This resource is available as a physical item in the Library of the NCAR Mesa Laboratory in Boulder, CO. Any further access limitations, such as copyright restrictions, are described on the resources themselves.

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Resource Support Organization UCAR/NCAR - Library
Distributor N/A
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Metadata Contact Organization UCAR/NCAR - Library

Author National Climatic Center
Publisher U.S. Naval Weather Service Command
Publication Date 1970-12-01
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Not Assigned
Alternate Identifier N/A
Resource Version N/A
Topic Category geoscientificInformation
Progress N/A
Metadata Date 2023-11-10T09:45:51
Metadata Record Identifier dcu-DLC-1975-20150312174314.0-ocm01552209
Metadata Language eng
Suggested Citation National Climatic Center. (1970). Summary of synoptic meteorological observations: North American Coastal marine areas. U.S. Naval Weather Service Command. Accessed 12 March 2025.

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