This resource is a booklet summarizing polar meteorological observations from the International Geophysical Year, July 1957-Dec. 1958. Information provided includes measurements from two drifting stations, and radiation data.
DRIFTING STATION A: Introduction; Map of track and area traversed; Surface data - Average and extreme of maximum and minimum daily temperature (F); Average air temperature (F); Frequency of pressure by 10 MB intervals; Station pressure (Mbs); Number of observations with occurrences of weather; Days with rain, days with snow, rain amount (in), and snowfall (in); Temperature and wind speed (F and Knots); Ceiling - visibility (ft and mi); Total cloud amount (tenths); Rawinsode data; Instrumentation; Table of positions.
DRIFTING STATION B: Introduction; Map of track and area traversed; Surface data - Average and extreme of maximum and minimum daily temperature (F); Average air temperature (F); Frequency of pressure by 10 MB intervals; Station pressure (Mbs); Number of observations with occurrences of weather; Days with rain, days with snow, rain amount (in), and snowfall (in); Temperature and wind speed (F and Knots); Ceiling - visibility (ft and mi); Total cloud amount (tenths); Rawinsode data; Instrumentation; Table of positions.
RADIATION DATA: Daily and hourly means of total radiation (solar and sky) (T) on a horizontal surface (cal/cm2/hr); Daily and hourly means of total radiations (solar and sky) (R) reflected from the surface (cal/cm2/hr); Daily and hourly means of total radiation balance (Q) (cal/cm2/hr); Daily and hourly means of total incoming radiation (short-wave and long-wave) (Q1) on a horizontal surface (cal/cm2/hr)