WACCM-X Simulations of September 2005 Solar Flare

This dataset contains simulation output from specified dynamics WACCM-X simulations of the solar flare that occurred on September 7, 2005. Included are vertical profiles of the electron density, conductivity, zonal wind, and vertical plasma drift at 285E and 320E geographic longitude at a 5 minute cadence for simulations with and without the effects of the solar flare. The resolution of the model output is 0.25 scale heights vertical resolution; 1.9 degrees latitude resolution. The simulation output is in support of a publication submitted to Geophysical Research Letters.

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Questions? Email Resource Support Contact:

  • Nicholas Pedatella
    UCAR/NCAR - High Altitude Observatory

Temporal Range

  • Begin:  2005-09-07T00:00:00
    End:  2005-09-07T23:59:59


Resource Type dataset
Temporal Range Begin 2005-09-07T00:00:00
Temporal Range End 2005-09-07T23:59:59
Temporal Resolution N/A
Bounding Box North Lat 90.0
Bounding Box South Lat -90.0
Bounding Box West Long -75.0
Bounding Box East Long -40.0
Spatial Representation N/A
Spatial Resolution 1.9 degLat
Related Links

Solar Flare Effects on 150‐km Echoes Observed Over Jicamarca: WACCM‐X Simulations : Pedatella, N. M., Chau, J. L., Vierinen, J., Qian, L., Reyes, P., Kudeki, E., ... & Oppenheim, M. (2019). Geophysical Research Letters, 46(20), 10951-10958.

Additional Information N/A
Resource Format application/x-netcdf
Standardized Resource Format XML
Asset Size N/A
Legal Constraints

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Access Constraints None
Software Implementation Language N/A

Resource Support Name Nicholas Pedatella
Resource Support Email nickp@ucar.edu
Resource Support Organization UCAR/NCAR - High Altitude Observatory
Distributor N/A
Metadata Contact Name GDEX Curator
Metadata Contact Email datahelp@ucar.edu
Metadata Contact Organization UCAR/NCAR - GDEX

Author Pedatella, Nicholas
Publisher UCAR/NCAR - GDEX
Publication Date 2019-07-31
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) https://doi.org/10.26024/ahcm-6d40
Alternate Identifier N/A
Resource Version N/A
Topic Category N/A
Progress N/A
Metadata Date 2022-01-12T11:05:49-07:00
Metadata Record Identifier edu.ucar.gdex::45ebf458-d092-475c-94c2-e88a38219f20
Metadata Language eng; USA
Suggested Citation Pedatella, Nicholas. (2019). WACCM-X Simulations of September 2005 Solar Flare. UCAR/NCAR - GDEX. https://doi.org/10.26024/ahcm-6d40. Accessed 07 September 2024.

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