Merged Hadley-OI sea surface temperature and sea ice concentration data set

The merged Hadley-OI sea surface temperature (SST) and sea ice concentration (SIC) data sets were specifically developed as surface forcing data sets for AMIP style uncoupled simulations of the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM). The Hadley Centre's SST/SIC version 1.1 (HADISST1), which is derived gridded, bias-adjusted in situ observations, were merged with the NOAA-Optimal Interpolation (version 2; OI.v2) analyses. The HADISST1 spanned 1870 onward but the OI.v2, which started in November 1981, better resolved features such as the Gulf Stream and Kuroshio Current which are important components of the climate system. Since the two data sets used different development methods, anomalies from a base period were used to create a more homogeneous record. Also, additional adjustments were made to the SIC data set.

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Questions? Email Resource Support Contact:

  • Adam Phillips
    UCAR/NCAR - Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory

Temporal Range

  • Begin:  1870-01
    End:  2022-06


Resource Type dataset
Temporal Range Begin 1870-01
Temporal Range End 2022-06
Temporal Resolution N/A
Bounding Box North Lat 90.0
Bounding Box South Lat -90.0
Bounding Box West Long -180.0
Bounding Box East Long 180.0
Spatial Representation N/A
Spatial Resolution 1.0 degreesLatitude
1.0 degreesLongitude
Related Links

A New Sea Surface Temperature and Sea Ice Boundary Dataset for the Community Atmosphere Model : Hurrell, J. W., J. J. Hack, D. Shea, J. M. Caron, and J. Rosinski. (2008). J. Climate, 21, 5145–5153.

Additional Information N/A
Resource Format application/x-netcdf
Standardized Resource Format NetCDF
Asset Size N/A
Legal Constraints

Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Access Constraints None
Software Implementation Language N/A

Resource Support Name Adam Phillips
Resource Support Email
Resource Support Organization UCAR/NCAR - Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory
Distributor N/A
Metadata Contact Name GDEX Curator
Metadata Contact Email
Metadata Contact Organization UCAR/NCAR - GDEX

Author Shea, Dennis
Hurrell, Jim
Phillips, Adam
Publisher UCAR/NCAR - GDEX
Publication Date 2024-04-24
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Alternate Identifier N/A
Resource Version N/A
Topic Category N/A
Progress N/A
Metadata Date 2024-04-24T11:29:05-06:00
Metadata Record Identifier edu.ucar.gdex::a76a11ff-5e2b-40a0-a714-1a4567493409
Metadata Language eng; USA
Suggested Citation Shea, Dennis, Hurrell, Jim, Phillips, Adam. (2024). Merged Hadley-OI sea surface temperature and sea ice concentration data set. UCAR/NCAR - GDEX. Accessed 06 March 2025.

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