GFDL Climate Model Outputs for Carbon Dioxide Studies

This dataset contains model outputs from climate models at the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory (GFDL). The various model runs were made in 1989 (with one rerun in 1991). The model was an atmosphere-ocean coupled model, run first at R15 (48 by 40) global resolution and then later at R30 (96 by 80) global resolution. Control runs (1xCO2), 2xCO2, and 1% increase per year transient runs were made and values for numerous variables were output. DSS has decadal means for up to 100 model years, as well as daily values and monthly and seasonal means for shorter periods.

To Access Resource:

Questions? Email Resource Support Contact:

  • Bob Dattore
    UCAR/NCAR - Research Data Archive

Temporal Range

  • Begin:  0001-01-01
    End:  0100-12-31


Resource Type dataset
Temporal Range Begin 0001-01-01
Temporal Range End 0100-12-31
Temporal Resolution N/A
Bounding Box North Lat 88.2883
Bounding Box South Lat -88.2883
Bounding Box West Long -180
Bounding Box East Long 180
Spatial Representation grid
Spatial Resolution N/A
Related Links N/A
Additional Information N/A
Resource Format Binary
Standardized Resource Format Binary
Asset Size 5157 MB
Legal Constraints

Use of this dataset is subject to UCAR's Terms of Use, except that commercial use is generally not prohibited.

Access Constraints Registration on the RDA web site is a requirement for access to the data.
Software Implementation Language N/A

Resource Support Name Bob Dattore
Resource Support Email
Resource Support Organization UCAR/NCAR - Research Data Archive
Distributor NCAR Research Data Archive
Metadata Contact Name N/A
Metadata Contact Email
Metadata Contact Organization NCAR Research Data Archive

Author NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, U.S. Department of Commerce
Publisher Research Data Archive at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Computational and Information Systems Laboratory
Publication Date 1993-12-09
Digital Object Identifier (DOI)
Alternate Identifier ds318.1
Resource Version N/A
Topic Category climatologyMeteorologyAtmosphere
Progress completed
Metadata Date 2024-01-03T15:11:36-07:00
Metadata Record Identifier edu.ucar.rda::ds318.1
Metadata Language eng; USA
Suggested Citation NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory, U.S. Department of Commerce. (1993). GFDL Climate Model Outputs for Carbon Dioxide Studies. Research Data Archive at the National Center for Atmospheric Research, Computational and Information Systems Laboratory. Accessed 22 July 2024.

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