EZPLOT, for Publication-quality Plots

EZPLOT is built as a software interface between the user and NCAR graphics. While EZPLOT uses the NCAR graphics package, the interface eliminates the need to compile programs to change plot specifications. In addition, several features that required modified versions of some standard NCAR graphics routines have been implemented into EZPLOT. All plot attributes are controlled by the use of input control parameters (ICPs) in a manner analogous to the CCM Modular Processor (cf. Buja, 1992). Because EZPLOT is built on top of NCAR graphics, no claims are made on the computer efficiency of this software. The speed at which EZPLOT executes is strongly dependent upon the size of the dataset and the type of plot requested. Color and pattern fill contour plots of global data typically require the most computer time. Upon invoking ezplot an option menu appears and prompts the user for the desired plot type. Although an attempt has been made in the initial version to fix most of the bugs for common plot formats, nonstandard requests may uncover previously undetected problems. Any questions regarding EZPLOT should be directed by email to chrisgOncar. ucar. edu. To facilitate input/output and minimize user intervention, this package is not interactive. Plot specifications are input by the user in the form of one or more job decks which are then read by the program to set all options to the desired values. Plot formats are designed to fulfill most quality standards, irrespective of the medium on which they are displayed. The use of standardized plot formats also keeps the number of keywords to a minimum. EZPLOT allows the user to slice the dataset in any direction to obtain the plot desired. The following plot types are thus available: 1. latitude-longitude-3 map projections (lat-lon) 2. height-latitude-meridional cross-sections (lev-lat) 3. height-longitude-longitudinal cross-sections (lev-lon) 4. latitude-time series (lat-tim) 5. height-time series (lev-tim) 6. time series-longitude-Hovmoller plots (tim-lon) 7. line plots-one or more curves (linear mappings only) The abbreviations in parentheses refer to the dimensions represented by the abscissa and ordinate on each plot and will be discussed in later sections. EZPLOT uses the NCAR GKS package, and the metafile (called gmeta) generated by EZPLOT is located in the directory from which EZPLOT is invoked. A full listing of all control parameters is given in Appendix A. Appendix B provides many examples of job decks and corresponding plots. The user is encouraged to review some of these examples.

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Author Guillemot, Christian
Publisher UCAR/NCAR - Library
Publication Date 1994-01-01T00:00:00
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Metadata Date 2023-08-18T18:05:09.847638
Metadata Record Identifier edu.ucar.opensky::technotes:468
Metadata Language eng; USA
Suggested Citation Guillemot, Christian. (1994). EZPLOT, for Publication-quality Plots. UCAR/NCAR - Library. http://n2t.net/ark:/85065/d76h4gvp. Accessed 16 February 2025.

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