Applications of Statistics to Modeling the Earth's Climate System

Content: Application Of Statistics To Modeling The Earth's Climate System NCAR Colloquium - 6 to 19 July 1994 Statistical Science and Global Change Research /Jean Thiebaux Introduction to Climate - Part 1 & Part 2 /Kevin Trenberth Objective Analysis/Combining Information - Part 1: Background - Part 2: Recent Results /Grace Wahba Overview of Statistical Problems in Climate /Paul Julian Atmospheric Science and Statistical Science: Some Historical Connections /Allan Murphy What is Climate?/Edward Lorenz Random Cascades and Atmospheric Processes - Part 1, Part 2 & Part 3/Edward Waymire Ocean Circulation Flows in Probability under Statistical Dynamical Forcing /Greg Holloway Statistics of Coherent Structure in Turbulence /James McWilliams Climate Modeling /Philip Rasch Statistical Methods for Downscaling /Peter Guttorp Estimating Global Mean Temperature from Instrument Data /Richard Gunst GCM Modeling Experiments /Joseph Tribbia Comparison of Model Output with Observations /James Hurrell Some Aspects of Climate Intercomparison /Francis Zwiers Climate Signal and Weather Noise / Cecil Leith, Jr. Time Series Analysis and Spatial Processes /Richard H. Jones Trend Estimation in Time Series /Arthur Dempster Long-range Dependence and Global Warming /Richard Smith The Art of Forecast Skill Evaluation /Robert Livezey Fingerprint Methods in Climate Change Detection Studies /Benjamin Santer Complex Quality Control of Meteorological Data Economically Optimal Strategies for Users of Meteorological Information /Lev Gandin Some Comments on Turbulence and Statistics or Loose Ends Others Have Not Touched Upon /Jackson Herring Optimal Spatial Averaging /Rudolf Weber Kriging /Steve Cherry

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Author Madden, R.
Katz, R.
Publisher UCAR/NCAR - Library
Publication Date 1994-01-01T00:00:00
Digital Object Identifier (DOI) Not Assigned
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Topic Category geoscientificInformation
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Metadata Date 2023-08-18T18:03:39.638087
Metadata Record Identifier edu.ucar.opensky::technotes:179
Metadata Language eng; USA
Suggested Citation Madden, R., Katz, R.. (1994). Applications of Statistics to Modeling the Earth's Climate System. UCAR/NCAR - Library. Accessed 07 September 2024.

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