NCEP ADP Global Surface Observational Weather Data, October 1999 - continuing
NCEP ADP Global Surface Observational Weather Data are composed of surface weather reports operationally collected by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)....- dataset ASCII Binary
Historical Unidata Internet Data Distribution (IDD) Global Observational Data
This dataset contains the historical Unidata Internet Data Distribution (IDD) Global Observational Data that are derived from real-time Global Telecommunications System (GTS)...- dataset NetCDF
NCEP ADP Operational Global Surface Observations, February 1975 - February 2007
These NCEP ADP operational global synoptic surface data reports were collected from the GTS during time slots centered on the 6-hourly analysis times of their global and...- dataset ASCII
USCGC Healy HLY-03-03 Ship Log - Weather Information [USCG]
This data set contains the weather logs taken aboard the United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy HLY-03-03 cruise. The logs are in HTML format.- dataset HTML
Lake-ICE Surface: Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Data
This data set contains the Great Lakes Environmental Research Laboratory Buoy, CMAN, U.S. Coast Guard, Ships, Surface Airways, and Other Marine Reports stations. Measurements...- dataset ASCII
MADIS Maritime GTS Data
This data set contains martime meteorological and sea state observations transmitted in real time to the GTS from ships and buoys throughout the world. The temporal resolution...- dataset Archive
GTS PACS Region Buoy Meteorological Data
This data set contains all drift and moored buoy data available from GTS over the region from 30 N to 60 S latitude and 30 to 150 W longitude as collected by NCAR/SCD. It...- dataset ASCII
GTS PACS Region Ship-Based Meteorological Data
This data set contains all ship-based surface meteorological observations available from GTS over the region from 30 N to 60 S latitude and 30 to 150 W longitude as collected by...- dataset ASCII
Ship and Buoy Observations (ITOP Region; ASCII)
This data set contains Voluntary Observing Ships (VOS) Climate (VOSClim) observations as well as observations from other ships and buoys in the western Pacific Ocean....- dataset ASCII
MPC Pacific Ocean Sea State Analysis Imagery
The MPC Pacific Ocean Sea State Analysis Imagery (GIF)is one of several surface products collected as part of the Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus PhaseII:...- dataset Image
NOGAPS Regional Grids Imagery
This dataset contains the Model NOGAPS Regional Grids GIF imagery for the INDOEX project.- dataset Image
Selected Surface, Upper-Air and Aircraft Data for ERICA
This data set contains the data from a CD produced by the Experiment on Rapidly Intensifying Cyclones over the Atlantic (ERICA). Be aware that the CDROM.DOC is out of data and...- dataset Archive
GTS Surface Ship Observations
This dataset contains the GTS Surface Ship Observations data. These data are contained in daily files which are in GEMPAK format. No additional quality control was performed by...- dataset GEMPAK
NAVY NOGAPS Global Grids
This dataset contains NAVY/NOGAPS global grid model data. The files are large. Each file contains 12 hours of data.- dataset Archive
USCGC Healy HLY-04-02 Ship Log - Weather Information [USCG]
This data set contains the weather logs taken aboard the United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy HLY-04-02 cruise. The logs are in Excel format.- dataset Excel
Navy NOGAPS Global Grids
This dataset contains Navy NOGAPS global grids collected during ACE-ASIA (March - May, 2001)- dataset Archive
HLY-04-03 Weather Logs [USCG]
This data set contains the weather logs taken aboard the United States Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy HLY-04-03 cruise. The logs are in Excel format.- dataset Excel
Global GTS Ship and Buoy Observation Data
This data set contains global GTS observations from ships and buoys. The data are in the ASCII ship weather report format (BBXX). The data are in hourly data files during the...- dataset ASCII
NAVY NOGAPS Global Grids
This dataset contains NAVY/NOGAPS global grid model data. The files are located on the mass store system and are very large. The files contain 12 hour data and can only be...- dataset Archive
GTS Surface Ship Observations
The ACE-ASIA Surface: GTS Surface Ship Observations are online data. Data is in GEMPAK format.- dataset GEMPAK