Atqasuk Site Factors Summary [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains a table of the basic site factors for the Atqasuk (MAT) grid on the Arctic Slope, Alaska. The data were taken for the Arctic Transitions in the...- dataset Excel
Canadian Transect for the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map (CAVM) Data Repor...
This dataset includes sampling schemes, site descriptions, soil descriptions and properties, plant species cover, and photographs of the Canadian Transect during July and August...- dataset Excel PDF
GLOBE soil and vegetation observations at ISFS sites
Soil pH, color, vegetation cover, and site properties collected by Butternut Middle School students, Joee Engel and Jakob Mareno, as part of the Global Learning and Observations...- dataset ASCII
Council Area Soil Classification and Properties [Ping, C-L.]
This dataset contains soil classification and property data for a number of different sites around the Council, Alaska vicinity. These data consist of jpg files containing...- dataset Image
Oumalik Site Factors Summary [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains a table of the basic site factors for the Oumalik site on the Arctic Slope, Alaska for the Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS)...- dataset Excel
Ivotuk Site Factors for MNT, MAT, Shrub and Moss Grids [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains site factor descriptions for the Ivotuk 1 (MAT), Ivotuk 2 (Shrub), Ivotuk 3 (MNT), and Ivotuk 4 (Moss) grids on the Arctic Slope, Alaska. The data were...- dataset Excel
Vegetation Studies: Seward Peninsula, Alaska [Walker, D.]
This dataset summarizes information that was collected as part of the Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) project called "Arctic Climate Change,...- dataset PDF
Seward Peninsula Sites CDs
The Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) Project is a coordinated program that will examine the geographical patterns and controls over climate-land surface...- dataset Archive
Barrow Site Factors Summary [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains a table of the basic site factors for the Barrow grid on the Arctic Slope, Alaska for the Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) project....- dataset Excel
Coring Data from Drained Thaw-Lake Basins of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska
This data set includes measurements and observations taken from drained thaw-lake basin (DTLB) cores retrieved from Barrow and Atqasuk, Alaska in April and August of 2001...- dataset Archive
Happy Valley Permanent Vegetation Plots
This dataset contains Happy Valley Permanent Vegetation Plots data, including environmental, soil, and vegetation information collected from 55 releve plots at the Happy Valley...- dataset Excel PDF Image
Soil Survey along the Dempster Highway, Yukon Territory, Canada
Soil survey information from plots along the Dempster Highway in Yukon Territory, Canada, includes soil consistency, soil texture, soil moisture, pedon information, flooding...- dataset ASCII
Biocomplexity Project: Soil Pit Chemical and Physical Data
This dataset contains soil pit chemical and physical data. The data were collected from the Banks Island, Isachsen, and Mould Bay sites. See the documentation for information on...- dataset Archive
Canadian Transect of Soils and Vegetation for the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetati...
This dataset contains Canadian Transect of Soils and Vegetation for the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map data. The report summarizes environmental, vegetation, and soil data...- dataset Excel PDF ASCII
Terrain and Vegetation of Imnavait Creek, AK: Permanent Plots
This data report is a summary of environmental, soil, and vegetation information collected from 73 study plots at the Department of Energy R4D research site, located near...- dataset PDF ASCII
SNACS: Erosion Rates and Soil Physiochemical Properties in Northern Alaska Co...
This Dataset contains Erosion Rates and Soil Physiochemical Properties in Northern Alaska Coastline Data and is part of the Collaborative Research: Flux and Transformation of...- dataset Excel Archive
Terrain and Vegetation of Imnavait Creek, AK: Toposequence Study
This data report is a summary of environmental, soil, and vegetation information collected from 23 study plots at the Department of Energy R4D research site, located near...- dataset PDF ASCII
Barrow Area Remote Sensing- Soil Ecology Data
This data set includes the Barrow Area Remote Sensing Soil Ecology Data. This includes the following parameters: soil electrical conductivity, soil oxidation reduction...- dataset Archive
Vegetation and Site Characterization, 1998-99 ATLAS Grid Transect, Northern A...
This data set contains Vegetation and Site Characterization data from the 1998-99 ATLAS Grid Transect, Northern Alaska. This data set comprises the text and data presented in...- dataset Excel PDF Image