VORTEX-94 GOES-7 1-km VIS Images (GIF)
Digital GOES-7 1-km visible imagery for selected case days during VORTEX-94. Also includes 2-km data for all project days. These data are in GIF format for browsing purposes.- dataset Image
GOES-7 IR Imagery
GOES-7 Infrared (IR) imagery collected during the ACE-1 Transect period via McIDAS-X then converted to GIF image format. These data consist of full disk, 32 km resolution images...- dataset Image
GOES-7 2-km Visible Imagery
Digital GOES-7 2-km visible imagery for GCIP/GIST. These data are in GIF format, and are provided for data browse purposes.- dataset Image
GOES-7 IR Satellite Imagery
GOES-7 IR imagery collected during the GCIP/GIDS-1 period via PC-McIDAS and then converted to GIF image format. These data are available for browsing purposes.- dataset Image
VORTEX-94 GOES Satellite Imagery (GIF)
GOES-7 IR imagery collected during the VORTEX period via PC-McIDAS and then converted to GIF image format. These data are available for browsing purposes.- dataset Image
GOES-7 Visible R/V Discoverer Floater Sector Imagery
GOES-7 Visible (VIS) imagery collected during the ACE-1 transect period via McIDAS-X, then converted to GIF image format. These images consist of a 2000 x 2000 km sector, 2-km...- dataset Image
GOES-7 IR Satellite Imagery
GOES-7 IR imagery collected during the GCIP/GIST period via PC-McIDAS and then converted to GIF image format. These data are available for browsing purposes.- dataset Image
GOES-7 Infrared Satellite Imagery
GOES-7 IR imagery collected during the STORM-FEST period via PC-McIDAS and then converted to GIF image format. These data are available for browsing purposes.- dataset Image
GOES-7 Infrared Satellite Imagery
Various geostationary satellite imagery was collected during the CEPEX period. These images contain composites of the imagery, converted to GIF image format. These data are...- dataset Image
GOES-7 Visible Imagery
GOES-7 VIS imagery collected during the ACE-1 Transect period via McIDAS-X and then converted to GIF image format. These data consist of full-disk, 32 km resolution images...- dataset Image
GOES-7 WV Imagery
GOES-7 6.7 Micron Water Vapor (WV) imagery collected during the ACE-1 transect period via McIDAS-X then converted to GIF image format. These data consist of full-disk, 32 km...- dataset Image
GOES-7 8-km Water Vapor Imagery
GOES-7 8-km water vapor imagery that were collected during VORTEX and GCIP/GIST. One image per day has been converted to GIF format and placed on-line for browsing purposes.- dataset Image