Microwave/Infrared Satellite-Derived 9km Sea Surface Temperature Data
This data set contains daily 9km Sea Surface Temperature data derived from microwave (AMSR-E, TMI, WindSAT) and infrared (MODIS) satellite observations over the globe. The data...- dataset NetCDF
ASCAT Winds Over TMI SST and Meteosat-7 IR Imagery
This data set contains imagery of TMI-derived SST and Meteosat-7 IR imagery with ASCAT-derived ocean surface winds overlaid. These images were developed by CSU and are in png...- dataset Image
NRL Tropical Storm Satellite KML Data
This data set contains Google Earth KML files that contain polar orbiting satellite imagery for the systems that ITOP flew (ITOP07, ITOP10 (Kompasu), ITOP14 (Malau), ITOP20...- dataset KML