3 resources found

Keywords: reflected infrared

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  • AQUA MODIS Level 1B 1km Radiance Data

    This data set contains the NASA AQUA satellite Level 1B calibrated and geolocated radiances at aperature for all 36 MODIS spectral bands at 1km resolution. These data are in...
  • NASA SatCORPS Himawari Cloud Retrieval Data

    This dataset contains cloud retrieval data from the Himawari satellite during SOCRATES. These data were produced by the NASA Langley’s Satellite ClOud and Radiation...
  • TERRA MODIS Level 1B 1km Radiance Data

    This data set contains the NASA TERRA satellite Level 1B calibrated and geolocated radiances at aperature for all 36 MODIS spectral bands at 1km resolution. These data are in...