STORM-FEST 5-minute Surface Land Composite
5 min composite from data collected at sites with 5 min or less resolution. Approximately 120 sites include ASOS, AWOS NWS/FAA, FSL, ICN, HPCN, PAM and USGS. Data includes...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
STORM-FEST Hourly Surface Land Composite
1 h composite of data collected at all 1 h resolution sites (about 720 sites). Included is data from ASOS, AWOS, FSL, NWS/FAA, ICN, HPCN, PAM and USGS. Data consists of wind...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
STORM-FEST Hourly Precipitation Composite
Hourly composite containing data from all networks measuring precipitation during STORM-FEST (about 2700 sites). Data includes that collected from national, regional and special...- dataset ASCII
GIDS-1 Hourly Precipitation Composite
This composite contains hourly precipitation observations from observing sites in the GCIP/GIDS-1 domain (the central United States). Data included in the composite are from...- dataset ASCII
Hourly Surface Composite
The GIDS-1 Hourly Surface Composite contains surface and sea level pressure, temperature, dew point temperature, wind speed and direction, and precipitation observations from...- dataset NetCDF ASCII
STORM-FEST 15 minute Precipitation Composite
This dataset contains 15-minute precipitation values for all networks measuring precipitation at 15-minute or higher frequencies during STORM-FEST (about 2700 sites). Data...- dataset ASCII
GIDS-1 Daily Precipitation Composite
This composite contains daily precipitation totals from observing sites in the GCIP/GIDS-1 domain (the central United States). Data included in the composite are from National...- dataset ASCII