Illinois Climate Network (ICN)
This data set contains hourly surface meteorological data from the Illinois Climate Network (ICN) stations located across Illinois. This data set covers the period from 01 Jan...- dataset ASCII
Illinois Climate Network Data
This data set contains hourly resolution surface meteorological data from the Illinois Climate Network (ICN) stations located across the state of Illinois. This data set covers...- dataset ASCII
Climate summaries of the year in New Caledonia and Dependencies
This resource contains meteorological data from New Caledonia, 1965-1967, 1969-1989. Summary: Annual summary of climate data collected from 64 observation points in New Caldonia...- dataset Physical Media
Pan-Arctic Land Surface (PALS) model drivers and outputs
This data set includes forcing data and output fields for multimodel simulations of pan-Arctic hydrology. All models were forced with European Centre for Medium-Range Weather...- dataset Archive