Monthly Nutrient Climatologies of the Oceanic Upper Layer
The phosphate, nitrate and silicate data used to produce the monthly climatologies were taken from the World Ocean Atlas 1998 produced by the Ocean Climate Laboratory at the...- dataset Binary ASCII
URI Gulf Stream Crest Anatomy Hydrographic Survey - Fall 1988
92 CTD oceanographic stations were collected to describe the crest of a Gulf Stream meander during 1988- dataset ASCII
Woods Hole Hydrographic Data from Warm Core Ring 1982-B
Observed ocean data taken on three separate surveys of a warm core ring north of the Gulf Stream during 1982- dataset ASCII
NODC Oceanographic Station Data
The National Oceanographic Data Center (NODC) provided world-wide cruise data for input to the International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Dataset (ICOADS). The data include...- dataset Binary
The World Ocean Circulation Experiment (WOCE) Global Hydrographic Climatology
The WOCE Global Hydrographic Climatology has been derived using World Ocean Data 1998 (WOD98), described in dataset ds285.0 [https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds285.0/index.html],...- dataset ASCII
JGOFS Biogeochemical Properties in the Ocean Mixed Layer
Field measurements of nutrients, chlorophyll, primary production, bacteria, HPLC pigments, and other biogeochemical parameters are compiled for nine JGOFS time-series and...- dataset ASCII
Mean hydrographic analyses of the North Atlantic, by Fukumori
Hydrography analysis for the North Atlantic ocean including temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphate, nitrate, and silicate. Based on data from 1981-1985.- dataset ASCII
Surface Water and Atmospheric CO2 and N2O Observations, from CDIAC
Results from water analysis using shipboard automated gas chromatography. CDIAC dataset NDP044, Weiss, et. al.- dataset ASCII
Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments - Phase II
Coordinated Ocean-ice Reference Experiments (COREs) were proposed by the CLIVAR Working Group on Ocean Model Development (WGOMD) as a venue for comparing global ocean-sea ice...- dataset NetCDF
Joe Reid's (Scripps) NODC Deep Ocean Station Profiles
High quality global ocean profile stations. Specially selected surface to bottom profiles intended for global ocean circulation studies. Approximately 12000 stations.- dataset ASCII
Woods Hole North Atlantic Transient Tracers in the Ocean data.
North Atlantic transient tracer profiles (tritium, helium-3, temperature, salinity, etc).- dataset ASCII
World Ocean Database and World Ocean Atlas
The World Ocean Database (WOD) has global ocean observed and standard depth data profiles. The World Ocean Atlas (WOA) has objectively analyzed climatological mean fields on...- dataset NetCDF
NODC Southern Ocean Atlas Observations and Analyses, by Gordon and Molinelli
Gordon (Columbia University), Molinelli (Science Applications Inc.), and Baker (Lamont-Doherty Geological Observatory) assembled the high-quality station data from the Southern...- dataset Binary
Nimbus 7 Coastal Zone Color Scanner Pigment Concentration
Ocean surface color is used to estimate surface pigment concentration (chlorophyll). Based on the Nimbus 7 satellite data for 1978-1986, taken from "Monthly Mean Distributions...- dataset HDF
Proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Climate Informatics: CI 2019
Climate informatics is an emerging research area that combines the fields of climate science and data science (specifically machine learning, data mining and statistics) to...- publication PDF
Nutrients, Chlorophyll, Primary Production and Realted Biogeochemical Propert...
This technical report provides summary data for nine distinct US JGOFS and international JGOFS sites. Four of these are point-locations where long-term time-series data have...- publication PDF
Proceedings of the 8th International Workshop on Climate Informatics: CI 2018
Climate informatics is an emerging research area that combines the fields of climate science and data science (specifically machine learning, data mining and statistics) to...- publication PDF
Southern Ocean Air-Sea Carbon Fluxes from Aircraft Observations: Modeling Dat...
The Southern Ocean plays an important role in determining atmospheric CO2, yet estimates of air-sea CO2 flux for the region diverge widely. We constrain Southern Ocean air-sea...- dataset ASCII Archive
C-iTRACE is a coarse resolution (3Ë), ocean-only simulation run from the LGM (22ka) to present day using iPOP2, the isotope-enabled ocean component of the CESM1. This...- dataset NetCDF
Nitrate flux and inventory from high-resolution CESM CORE-Normal-Year integra...
This data was used by Arzeno-Soltero et al. (in press) to constrain ambient upper-ocean concentrations and vertical advective fluxes of nitrate. Isabella Arzeno-Soltero,...- dataset NetCDF