BASIS survey acoustics, 2008-2010 (B59)
The 2008-2010 Bering-Aleutian Salmon International Survey (BASIS) surveys were conducted on the Bering Sea shelf (~30 m to 500 m depth ranges) in August-October aboard the RV...- dataset Excel XML
TN250 Sound Velocity Data [Shull/UW]
This dataset includes data from the Sound Velocity Profiler system onboard the UNOLS R/V Thompson ship during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem...- dataset Archive
TN249 Sound Velocity Data [Ashjian/UW]
This dataset includes data from the Sound Velocity Profiler system onboard the UNOLS R/V Thompson ship during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem...- dataset Archive
Oil Industry Passive Acoustics Data [Hannay]
The acoustics monitoring program is designed to measure underwater ambient and industrial noise levels, and to detect and classify species of vocalizing marine mammals over a...- dataset Archive
Nathaniel B. Palmer Cruise NBP0304A Underway Data
This dataset contains the results of the Nathaniel B. Palmer (NBP) ship data acquisition system data logger from the SBI Palmer Cruise NBP0304A. All data have been compressed...- dataset OTHER PDF Image Movie ASCII Archive Binary
HLY1201 Bottle Data
This dataset contains summary measurements of water samples collected at each station for HLY1201 identified by Station Number (#), Station Name (Stn. Name), Date (mm/dd/yy),...- dataset Excel ASCII
HLY-04-04 Weather Logs and Underway Data [LDEO]
This data set contains weather log files prepared aboard ship by USCG personnel aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy during the HLY-04-04 cruise. It also contains...- dataset Archive Binary ASCII
CHAOZ passive acoustic mooring CZ11_AU_B03 data
These data represent results from the 2011-12 Chukchi Acoustics, Oceanography, and Zooplankton (CHAOZ) passive acoustic deployment of the midshore Icy Cape mooring, CZ11_AU_B03....- dataset Excel
CHAOZ passive acoustic mooring CZ10_AU_B03 data
These data represent results from the 2010-11 Chukchi Acoustics, Oceanography, and Zooplankton (CHAOZ) passive acoustic deployment of the midshore Icy Cape mooring, CZ10_AU_B03....- dataset Excel
CHAOZ passive acoustic mooring CZ10_AU_A03 data
These data represent results from the 2010-11 Chukchi Acoustics, Oceanography, and Zooplankton (CHAOZ) passive acoustic deployment of the inshore Icy Cape mooring, CZ10_AU_A03....- dataset Excel
HLY-04-02 Underway Data
This data set contains 2 DVDs created aboard U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy ship at the end of the HLY-04-02 cruise. The DVDs were created by Lamont Doherty Earth...- dataset OTHER Excel PDF Image ASCII Archive Binary
CHAOZ passive acoustic mooring CZ10_AU_C02 data
These data represent results from the 2010-11 Chukchi Acoustics, Oceanography, and Zooplankton (CHAOZ) passive acoustic deployment of the offshore Icy Cape mooring, CZ10_AU_C02....- dataset Excel
Oshoro-Maru XCTD and CTD Data for DBO3 July 2013
This dataset contains oceanographic CTD profiles collected with an SBE profiling CTD and a Sippican XCTD-1. The data were collected aboard the R/V Oshoro-Maru along the line DBO...- dataset ASCII
CHAOZ passive acoustic mooring CZ11_AU_C02 data
These data represent results from the 2011-12 Chukchi Acoustics, Oceanography, and Zooplankton (CHAOZ) passive acoustic deployment of the offshore Icy Cape mooring, CZ11_AU_C02....- dataset Excel
HLY-04-03 NCAR EOl Service Group Cruise CD [NCAR EOL Service Group]
This CD ROM was created 25 August 2004 at the end of the SBI U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy Summer Cruise. It is a subset of the NCAR EOL HLY-04-03 field catalog and...- dataset Archive
Ice Camp Ocean Seacat CTD Data-Deep (Preliminary) [Anderson, R. and J. Morison]
This dataset contains Seacat files for the so-called 'Deep' casts during SHEBA. These data are preliminary in that they are simply the ASCII output from the DATCNV step...- dataset ASCII
HLY-04-02 NCAR EOL Service Group Cruise CD [NCAR EOL Service Group]
This CD ROM was created 22 June 2004 at the end of the SBI Spring Cruise aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy. It is a subset of the NCAR EOL HLY-04-02 field catalog...- dataset Archive
Moored ADCP Observations 2003-2004 from the Beaufort Shelf Edge Mooring Array...
This data set contains underwater Acoustic Doppler Current Profiler (ADCP) data gathered from the Beaufort Shelf Edge Mooring Array which was deployed in October 2003 and...- dataset Archive
USCGC Healy Cruise HLY-02-03 NCAR EOL Service Data [NCAR EOL Service group]
This CD ROM was created 23 August 2002 at the end of the SBI Summer Cruise aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy. It contains data in the state they were in as of the...- dataset Archive
CHAOZ passive acoustic mooring CZ11_AU_A03 data
These data represent results from the 2011-12 Chukchi Acoustics, Oceanography, and Zooplankton (CHAOZ) passive acoustic deployment of the inshore Icy Cape mooring, CZ11_AU_A03....- dataset Excel