21 resources found

Keywords: noaa medium range forecast model - mrf

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  • Model MRF 200mb analysis Imagery

    This data set contains National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) MRF model data from IGES and is daily 0000 UTC 200mb analysis for the northern hemisphere including...
  • NMC MRF Analyses/Forecasts

    NMC ran the MFR model every 24 h (00 UTC) with 12 h forcastsup to 240 h with a standard resolution of 200 km. the data cutoff was 6 h and the output format was ON85. There are...
  • STORM-FEST NMC MRF Flux A and B Analyses

    The operational Flux A and B analyses from the NMC MRF for the STORM-FEST period. Flux A contains the analyses for 00 and 12 UTC, Flux B contains the 06 and 18 UTC analyses. The...
  • NCEP Medium Range Forecast model output on Pressure Surfaces

    The U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) routinely ran the Medium Range Forecast (MRF) model twice daily (00 and 12 UTC) during the ACE-1 period. This...
  • NCEP Medium Range Forecast Model Zonal Means

    The U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) routinely ran the Medium Range Forecast (MRF) model twice daily (00 and 12 UTC) during the ACE-1 period. This...
  • Model MRF 500mb analysis(0000 UTC) Imagery

    This data set contains MRF model analysis from IGES which are 500mb charts for the northern hemispshere at 0000 UTC daily covering SHEBA domain. Note: Product times reflect date...
  • Model MRF Surface 24 hour forecast [NCAR/EOL]

    This data set contains MRF model 24 hour surface forecast from 0000 UTC for the northern hemisphere including the SHEBA domain from IGES. Note: Product times reflect date and...
  • NCEP Medium Range Forecast Model Surface Fluxes

    The U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) routinely ran the Medium Range Forecast (MRF) model twice daily (00 and 12 UTC) during the ACE-1 period. This...
  • NOAA/ARL NMC Special MRF runs grid data

    This dataset was obtained from NOAA/ARL. It consists of 33x33 mesoscale Gulf data in eight files from July 22, 1991 to September 16, 1991 collected during the Kuwait Oil-Fire...
  • Model MRF 500mb 48 hour forecast Imagery

    This data set contains MRF model 48 hour 500mb forecast from 0000 UTC for the northern hemisphere including the SHEBA domain from IGES. Note: Product times reflect date and time...
  • NCEP Medium Range Forecast Model Surface Fluxes on Gaussian Grids

    The U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) routinely ran the Medium Range Forecast (MRF) model twice daily (00 and 12 UTC) during the ACE-1 period. This...
  • NCEP Medium Range Forecast model output on Isentropic Surfaces

    The U.S. National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) routinely ran the Medium Range Forecast (MRF) model twice daily (00 and 12 UTC) during the ACE-1 period. This...
  • Model MRF Surface 72 hour forecast Imagery

    This data set contains MRF model 72 hour surface forecast from 0000 UTC for the northern hemisphere including the SHEBA domain from IGES. Note: Product times reflect date and...
  • NMC MRF Sigma Analyses

    NMC ran the MRF every 24 h (00 UTC) with 12 h forecasts up to 240 h at a standard resolution of 200 km. The data cutoff for the model runs was 6 h and the output was ON85. There...
  • STORM-FEST NMC MRF Flux C Forecast

    The operational Flux C forecast from the NMC MRF for the STORM-FEST period. Flux C contains the 24 and 36 hour MRF 12-hour forecasts. The output are available on a gaussian...
  • NCEP MRF Back Trajectory Data for R/V Discoverer Transit

    This dataset contains Back trajectories for the R/V Discoverer. These trajectories were calculated with the NOAA HYSPLIT 3.2 code using the NMC Global Data Assimilation System...
  • NMC MRF analysis grid data

    This dataset contains the monthly NMC MRF analysis data collected from January 01 1991 to December 31 1991 during the Kuwait Oil-Fire Smoke Experiment (KOFSE). Data files are in...
  • Model MRF Surface 48 hour forecast Imagery

    This data set contains MRF model 48 hour surface forecast from 0000 UTC for the northern hemisphere including the SHEBA domain from IGES. Note: Product times reflect date and...
  • Model MRF Surface analysis 0000 UTC Imagery

    This data set contains MRF model surface analysis 0000 UTC for the northern hemisphere including the SHEBA domain from IGES.
  • NMC MRF Flux D Forecast

    The operational Flux D forecast from the NMC MRF for the STORM-FEST period. Flux D contains the analyses and forecasts for total precipitation at the four analysis times (00,...