RADARSAT SAR Sea Ice Deformation [H. Stern and Moritz, R.]
The Canadian RADARSAT satellite collected 195 synthetic aperture radar (SAR) images of the SHEBA site between November 1, 1997, and October 8, 1998 (roughly one image every 3-5...- dataset ASCII Image
Model Ice Deformation and Ice Thickness Distribution [Lindsay, R.]
This data set consists of daily estimates of the ice velocity, deformation, mean thickness, the thickness distribution, thermal forcings, and the energy balance of the ice near...- dataset PDF ASCII
Ice Stress [Richter-Menge J., B. Elder, K. Claffey]
A governing factor in the exchange of energy between the atmosphere, sea ice cover, and ocean is the thickness distribution of the ice cover. A complex series of dynamic and...- dataset Archive ASCII
Submarine Sonar Ice Draft Profiles [Tucker, W. B.]
This data set is an external link to a NSIDC website where submarine upward looking sonar ice draft profile data and documentation can be found. The data consist of upward...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT