GISP2 Stable Isotopes (Deuterium, Deuterium Excess, and Oxygen)
The data compiled here consist of Greenland Ice Sheet Project Two (GISP2) deuterium, deuterium excess, and oxygen isotope values measured at the Stable Isotope Laboratory,...- dataset ASCII
Greenland Summit Ice Cores
From 1989 to 1994, the U.S. and European scientific communities supported a bold undertaking to acquire an extensive paleoclimate record for the Northern Hemisphere. These...- dataset ASCII Archive
Climatic instability in interior Alaska from the isotopic record of Late Quat...
This data set includes isotope ratio measurements of ice wedges taken from periglacial ice tunnel walls from interior Alaska. Surface waters were also collected to constrain...- dataset Excel
Nitrate and Conductivity Data from the GISP H Core
This data set contains nitrate and conductivity measurements taken from the Greenland Summit Ice Sheet Project (GISP) H core. GISP was a decade-long project during the 1970s and...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
14C Measurements in Large-Volume Ice Samples from Pakitsoq, West Greenland
This dataset contains measurements of 14CH4, 14CO and 14CO2 in large-volume ancient air samples extracted from glacial ice at the Pakitsoq site, West Greenland. The main...- dataset Excel