6 resources found

Keywords: field sites

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  • Aerodyne ARI-GROUND Data

    Stationary Ground Site Atmospheric Composition during the WE-CAN/FIREX (Western Wildfire Experiment for Cloud Chemistry, Aerosol, Absorption and Nitrogen) field campaign...
  • NCAR/ACOM FTIR Atmospheric Composition Dataset

    The NCAR/ACOM Optical Techniques Project operates three high spectral resolution, solar viewing FTIR instruments at Thule, Greenland (76.5ºN, 291.3ºE, 225 masl), Boulder...
  • Combined NSSL and GTRI Lightning Mapping Array Data

    Lightning Mapping Array (LMA) sensors were deployed at pre-designated locations for each IOP for the LEE Field Project time period and area of interest. The array consisted of...
  • NSSL Deployable Lightning Mapping Array Data

    Data from the NSSL Deployable Lightning Mapping Array during the period of PERiLS_2023 operations. There were five deployments each containing about 48 hours of data. The...
  • NSSL Deployable Lightning Mapping Array Data

    Data from the NSSL Deployable Lightning Mapping Array during the period of PERiLS_2022 operations. There were four deployments each containing about 48 hours of data. The...
  • Thermistor Harp Data

    Thermistor measurements from 8 thermistors vertically spaced 5mm apart on two faces of a "thermistor harp," collected on four different days (3-4 February and 6-7...
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