Council Site Characteristics [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes diagrams and photos of the sites in the Council region gathered during the 1999 summer field season. It is in MS Word format.- dataset PDF
SAVANT Field Site Orthophoto and High Resolution DEM
A fixed wing unmanned aerial system (UAS) was used to obtain a dense array of overlapping images of the SAVANT field site, from which a high-resolution, geographically...- dataset Shapefile ASCII KML Image
Council Site Characteristics [Beringer, J.]
This dataset includes diagrams and photos of the sites in the Council region gathered during the 2000 summer field season. It is in MS Word format.- dataset PDF
Terrain and Vegetation of Imnavait Creek, AK: Permanent Plots
This data report is a summary of environmental, soil, and vegetation information collected from 73 study plots at the Department of Energy R4D research site, located near...- dataset PDF ASCII
Terrain and Vegetation of Imnavait Creek, AK: Classification and Mapping
Investigators classified typical and characteristic vegetation communities in an area in northern Alaska using Braun-Blanquet sorted table analysis, and mapped the communities...- dataset PDF ASCII
Terrain and Vegetation of Imnavait Creek, AK: Toposequence Study
This data report is a summary of environmental, soil, and vegetation information collected from 23 study plots at the Department of Energy R4D research site, located near...- dataset PDF ASCII