Polar Bears: Breath analyses
Exhaled breath was collected and analyzed for stable carbon isotopes at the University of Wyoming Stable Isotope Facility, and for respirometry exchange ratio following Whiteman...- dataset Excel ASCII
Polar Bears: Blood analyses
Blood collected from captured polar bears was analyzed for blood chemistry, hematology, stable isotopes of carbon and nitrogen, free fatty-acid and amino-acid profiles, and...- dataset Excel ASCII
Polar Bears: Morphological measurements and body condition at capture
This dataset contains measurements of individual polar bears using rope, calipers and measuring tape. Weight was determined using a tripod hoist. A visual assessment of body...- dataset Excel ASCII
Polar Bears: Adipose analyses
From a subset of captured bears a sample of adipose tissue was collected via tissue biopsy. These tissues were analyzed for lipid content, percent of saturated fatty-acids,...- dataset Excel ASCII
Polar Bears: Muscle analyses
From a subset of captured bears, a muscle sample was obtained through a sterile biopsy. Muscle samples were analyzed for fiber types, DNA content, protein content, and stable...- dataset Excel ASCII