SMART-R1 Radar Data
This data set contains DORADE sweepfile data from the University of Oklahoma SMART-R1 radar collected during the VORTEX2 project. Sweepfiles are in gzipped tar files according...- dataset Archive
GOES-11 16km Ch4 Thermal-IR Satellite Imagery
This dataset contains 16km CH4 thermal-IR imagery from the GOES-11 satellite taken during the HIPPO-4 project. The imagery are in JPG format. The imagery cover the time span...- dataset Image
NAME 3-D Low-Resolution S-POL Radar Grids
This dataset includes three-dimensional grids of standard polarimetric radar fields from the S-Pol radar, one of three radars operating during the NAME project.- dataset Archive
MicroPulse Differential Absorption Lidar (MPD) data in NetCDF format which were collected during the Multi-point Monin-Obukhov similarity horizontal array turbulence study...- dataset Archive
Radar mosaic Quantitative Precipitation Estimates QPE
QPE mosaic radar data collected during the extended PECAN (Plains Elevated Convection at Night) period of 12 May to 22 July 2015. The mosaic included QPE data calculated with...- dataset NetCDF
NSF/NCAR C-130 Wyoming Cloud Lidar Quicklook Imagery
This data set containsquicklook imagery from the Wyoming Cloud Lidar on-board the NSF/NCAR C-130 during PLOWS 2009-2010. The products include power and depolarization. The...- dataset Image
VORTEX-95 Station List
List of stations whose data are included in the VORTEX-95 data sets. List includes station name, latitude, longitude,elevation, station type, observing network ID, and station id.- dataset ASCII
The NOAA POES AMSUB Data is one of several satellite data sets collected by the National Center For Atmospheric Research/Earth Observing Laboratory (NCAR/EOL) as part of the...- dataset OTHER
Flight Tracks (Google Earth .kml files)
KML is a file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth. This dataset contains KML files used to display the NSF/NCAR C-130 flight track in...- dataset KML
NRC Convair 580 Atmospheric and Aircraft State Data
The NRC Convair 580 aircraft atmospheric and aircraft state data collected during the WINTR-MIX 2022 flight campaign (February – March 2022) are contained in this dataset....- dataset NetCDF
NOAA POES AVHRR Visible and Infrared Data
This data set contains the 1 km resolution visible and infrared channel data from the NOAA Polar Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) Advanced Very High Resolution...- dataset Archive
DLR Lauder Rayleigh-Raman Lidar Data
This dataset contains DLR Lauder Rayleigh-Raman Lidar Data. The DLR Rayleigh-/Raman lidar measures atmospheric backscatter profiles from 22 to approximately 90 km altitude....- dataset NetCDF PDF ASCII
MP3 University of Wisconsin SPARC Doppler Lidar Zenith Pointing Data
This data set contains the vertically pointing data from the ARM Halo Streamline Doppler Lidar that was included in the PECAN Mobile PISA 3 University of Wisconsin SPARC...- dataset NetCDF
NWS Southwest Sector Mosaic Reflectivity Imagery
This dataset includes Base Reflectivity imagery taken during the T-REX field project. from the Southwest sector of the United States. These observations were taken every 15...- dataset Image
Depolarization and Backscatter Unattended Lidar dataset (10 Second Averages) ...
The Depolarization and Backscatter - Unattended Lidar (DABUL) is a pulsed laser-radar operating at 523 nm wavelength. Range resolution is 30 m, and time resolution is as short...- dataset NetCDF
NOAA P-3 Aircraft Doppler X-Band (Tail) Radar Radial Reflectivity, Radial Vel...
This dataset contains NOAA P-3 Doppler X-Band (Tail) Radar Radial Reflectivity, Radial Velocity, and Lower Fuselage C-Band Radar Data.- dataset Binary
Flight Tracks - Google Earth .kml files
KML is a file format used to display geographic data in an Earth browser such as Google Earth. This dataset contains KML files used to display the NSF/NCAR HIAPER GV flight...- dataset KML
NCAR S-PolKa radar moments data, Ka-band, Marshall field site
Selected time periods of radar moments data collected by the S-PolKa radar at the Marshall field site in Colorado. S-PolKa is usually run at the Marshall field site for testing...- dataset NetCDF
Mexico SMN-CNA C-band Weather Radar Imagery
This data set contains SMN_Radar imagery from the NAME Field Catalog. The following imagery products are included: Cuyutlan, Guasave, Los_Cabos, Obregon, Palmito.- dataset Image
NCAR S-Pol radar miscellaneous data
6 S-Pol tar files with scan images in gif format, a tar file with sun scans and a tar file with vertically pointing scans.- dataset Archive