Fellowship Program in Scientific Computing: Internship Program for Minority S...
The papers contained in the 1976 Technical Note NCAR/TN-119+PROC represent the research and programming carried out / 12 students in the Computing Facility summer programs...- publication PDF
Dispersion of Smoke Plumes From the Oil Fires of Kuwait
Measurements collected during the multiple passes of a research aircraft through the smoke plumes from the oil fires of Kuwait are used to determine the sizes and growth rates...- publication PDF
Flux and Sounding Data From the NCAR King Air Aircraft During HAPEX
This technical note describes the operation of the NCAR King Air aircraft during HAPEX, the methods of processing the data, and presents a large portion of the data from the...- publication PDF
Internal Storm Motions From a Single Non-Doppler Weather Radar
A correlation analysis pattern recognition technique called TREC (for tracking radar echoes by correlation) is developed which is capable of determining motions within storms....- publication PDF
Case Studies on Convective Storms / Case Study 4, 27 July 1976: First Echo Case
On 27 July 1976, a relatively small, weak storm was investigated by the NCAR/NOAA instrumented sailplane in coordination with NCAR Queen Air 306D. The potential instability was...- publication PDF
The National Hail Research Experiment
The National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE) is a cooperative fiveyear research project (FY 1972 to FY 1976), endorsed by the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric...- publication PDF
Case Studies on Convective Storms / Case Study 1. 22 June 1976: First Echo Case
This is one of a series of documents reporting data on aircraft penetrations in convective clouds, ranging from cumulus congestus to thunderstorms, in northeastern Colorado and...- publication PDF
Thermal Convection: A Colloquium, Sponsored by the NCAR Advanced Study Progra...
This document is part one of three which report the results of a six-week colloquium on problems of thermal convection held during the summer of 1966. The colloquium covered a...- publication PDF
Comparison of NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM) Climates
The purpose of this project is to establish the climate record of four versions of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Climate Model (CCM). All four...- publication PDF
The NCAR In Situ Turbulence Detection Algorithm
Historically, there has been one main source for routine turbulence observations for the aviation community, namely pilot reports. Although useful for tactical turbulence...- publication PDF
Airflow and Hail Growth in Supercell Storms and Some Implications for Hail Su...
This paper presents evidence that the competing embryo concept is not valid for what we have termed the archetypal supercell. Multiple radar and aircraft observations of a...- publication PDF
A Method for the Calculation of Invariant Manifolds in Hydrodynamics Stabilit...
The method developed by the authors referred to in the Preface has been improved in a number of minor respects, to make possible calculations at Taylor numbers up to about 106,...- publication PDF
Case Studies on Convective Storms / Case Study 8, 9 August 1974: First Echo Case
Observations obtained on a relatively small and isolated storm with radar, an instrumented glider and other tools are described. The winds aloft and the direction of motion of...- publication PDF
Applications of Statistics to Modeling the Earth's Climate System
Content: Application Of Statistics To Modeling The Earth's Climate System NCAR Colloquium - 6 to 19 July 1994 Statistical Science and Global Change Research /Jean Thiebaux...- publication PDF
Circulation Statistics From January and July Simulation With the NCAR Communi...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Eddyless Channel Flows and Their Stability
Numerical solutions are presented for steady flow in a zonal channel subjected to a meridionally varying zonal wind stress at the upper surface. The model used is adiabatic,...- publication PDF
International Workshop on the Airborne Measurement of Wind, Turbulence, and P...
This report summarizes the sessions of the International Workshop on the Airboune Measurement of Wind, Turbulence and Position. It includes oral presentations as well as working...- publication PDF
Circulation Statistics From Seasonal and Perpetual January and July Simulatio...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Engineering Report on a Dropsonde for Measuring Vertical Wind Velocity in Thu...
This report describes a special dropsonde for measuring and mapping the vertical wind inside thunderstorms. One the possible ways of measuring vertical wind is to drop...- publication PDF
Statistical Closure to Derive a Subgrid-scale Modeling for Large Eddy Simulat...
A subgrid-scale modeling for the velocity field of threedimensional turbulence has been derived from a two-point closure by Chollet and Lesieur (1981); this model has been used...- publication PDF