Colorado Front Range Experimental Mesonet Observations
The Forecast Systems Laboratory (FSL) operated a 22-station experimental surface mesoscale meteorological network (mesonet) along the front range of Colorado from May 1985 to...- dataset Binary
Canada Summary of Day, selected stations, 1840-1991
A later version of the set. Combined with ds516.0 [] to create ds516.2 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds516.2/], the preferred set to use.- dataset ASCII
An Atlas Based on the 'COADS' Data Set: Fields of Mean Wind, Cloudiness and H...
Monthly global grids of data, derived fluxes, and anomalies were prepared from the COADS data.- dataset ASCII
Boulder, CO Daily Temperature and Precipitation Weather Data for January 1897...
Daily temperature and precipitation data have been assembled from Boulder newspaper weather pages and other available sources to provide a history of Boulder, CO weather from...- dataset ASCII
GPCC Full Data Reanalysis Version 7.0: Monthly Land-Surface Precipitation fro...
This dataset contains the centennial Global Precipitation Climatology Centre (GPCC) Full Data Reanalysis of monthly global land-surface precipitation based on the 75,000...- dataset NetCDF
NCEP ADP Operational Global Surface Observations, February 1975 - February 2007
These NCEP ADP operational global synoptic surface data reports were collected from the GTS during time slots centered on the 6-hourly analysis times of their global and...- dataset ASCII
NCAR MMM 10-member, 3 km, experimental real-time ensemble prediction system
Since April 2015, NCAR's Mesoscale and Microscale Meteorology (MMM) Laboratory, in collaboration with NCAR's Computational Information Systems Laboratory (CISL), has been...- dataset GRIB
SSM/I Derived Monthly Rainfall Indices
This Global Precipitation Climate Project (GPCP) dataset contains 89 months of DMSP SSM/I derived monthly rainfall indices on a 5-degree latitude/longitude grid covering the...- dataset ASCII
NCDC TD9685 Global Surface Observations (from USAF DATSAV), hourly 1967-1980
Global surface observations for many stations in modified SYNOP format, primarily derived from USAF (ETAC) DATSAV...- dataset ASCII
NCEP ADP Eta (NAM) Subset Surface Observations
NCEP ADP Eta (NAM) Subset Surface Observations are composed of a regional synoptic set of surface data reports centered over North America. These were operationally collected by...- dataset Binary
Northeast Brazil Precipitation, daily and monthly, 1904-1983
Daily and monthly rainfall for 2300 stations in 10 states in northeastern Brazil are contained in this dataset. Although the first data is for 1904, sixty percent of the...- dataset ASCII
Global Monthly Surface Temperature Anomalies (1856-2005), Precipitation (1900...
Some selected data, managed by a variety of people and projects within the Climatic Research Unit (CRU), University of East Anglia.- dataset ASCII
Annual Climatalogical Bulletin, Venezuela 1979
This resource includes one volume of annual meteorological data from the Venezuelan Meteorological Department. Observational locations: Observatorio Cagigal, la Orchila, Puerto...- dataset Physical Media
Climatological data for Arctic stations, 1957-1958
This resource is a booklet summarizing polar meteorological observations from the International Geophysical Year, July 1957-Dec. 1958. Information provided includes measurements...- dataset Physical Media
Summary Report of Meteorological Data in Taiwan
This report is a summary of meteorological observations at the [23] stations in Taiwan Province, China during the period from the year of establishment [1897] up to the year of...- dataset Physical Media
Climate summaries of the year in New Caledonia and Dependencies
This resource contains meteorological data from New Caledonia, 1965-1967, 1969-1989. Summary: Annual summary of climate data collected from 64 observation points in New Caldonia...- dataset Physical Media
Monthly Climatalogical Bulletin, Venezuela 1979-1980
This set of resources includes one volume of meteorological observations from the Venezuelan Meteorological Department. Observational locations: Observatorio Cagigal, la...- dataset Physical Media
Storage-gage precipitation data for western United States, 1958-1964
These items contain the following information: Daily precipitation measurements; Prorated monthly precipitation; station location (town, latitude, longitude), gauge type, period...- dataset Physical Media
Argentina, Climatic Normals, 1931-1960
This volume contains values averaged or summed by month and entire time period of climate observations collected from 80 towns located in 23 provinces or territories of...- dataset Physical Media
Canadian climate summary: Monthly review of Canadian climate and water
This resource contains climatological information observed and compiled by the Canadian Meteorological Centre. It includes visual summary of monthly information; Maps of...- dataset Physical Media