Modification of Aerosol Size Distributions in the Troposphere
This work is an extension of the study of tropospheric aerosols begun in 1964 by Christian Junge. The model presented for description of these aerosols contains more processes...- publication PDF
A Program Prospectus for a Cooperative High Plains Experiment on Convective P...
This program prospectus for a cooperative 1981 field season in Montana is the result of discussions between staff of the Bureau of Reclamation (HIPLEX) and NCAR (CSD), and of...- publication PDF
Case Studies on Convective Storms / Case Study 2, 22 July 1976: First Echo Case
This is one of a series of documents reporting data on aircraft penetrations in convective clouds, ranging from cumulus congestus to thunderstorms, in northeastern Colorado and...- publication PDF
Meeting Review: Workshop on Airborne Instrumentation 19-21 October 1988
Approximately 40-50 scientists met in October, 1988 to review needs for airborne instruments and to plan for development of some of the needed instrumentation. This report...- publication PDF
Documentation of Radiation and Cloud Routines in the NCAR Community Climate M...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Cloud Particle Measurement Symposium: Summaries and Abstracts
This report includes: Symposium Summaries: Forward Scattering Spectrometer Probes Summary /James E. Dye Optical Array Probes Summary /William A. Cooper General Topics...- publication PDF
CCM Progress Report - June 1993
This report consists of: Brief reports required of all CCM users, both inside and outside of NCAR -- CCM Progress report on CCM2 along with details of the reports which document...- publication PDF
The microphysics and dynamics of convective clouds--A colloquium
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
1980* Field Season Wkshp Report / Nov. 28, 29, & 30, 1978 High Country Inn, W...
This workshop produced the seven panel reports included here, which discuss various aspects of the work of CSD in considerable detail. Its main purpose is to gather sufficient...- publication PDF
Case Studies on Convective Storms / Case Study 10, 22 July 1975: Mature Storm...
This Technical Note is a case study of one of the storms examined in the 1975 field season of the National Hail Research Experiment, during which the two primary observing...- publication PDF
CCM Progress Report--July 1990
This report is a accumulation of brief reports required of all Community Climate Model (CCM) users both inside and outside of NCAR. The report serves to augment periodically...- publication PDF
Workshop Summary: Aircraft Mission Measurement Strategies for the NASA Subson...
The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has initiated a major program to assess the impact of tropospheric aircraft on the atmosphere. The Subsonic Assessment...- publication PDF
Particulate Models: Their Validity and Application; A Workshop Held at the Na...
A workshop on particulate models was held at NCAR in Boulder, Colorado on 21 August 1970 to create more realistic models of atmospheric particulates that are required for...- publication PDF
On Atmospheric Simulation: A Colloquium
To assess a national need for facilities to simulate atmospheric processes, a Colloquium on Atmospheric Simulation was set up to survey current laboratory experimentation on...- publication PDF
Dispersion of Smoke Plumes From the Oil Fires of Kuwait
Measurements collected during the multiple passes of a research aircraft through the smoke plumes from the oil fires of Kuwait are used to determine the sizes and growth rates...- publication PDF
Case Studies on Convective Storms / Case Study 4, 27 July 1976: First Echo Case
On 27 July 1976, a relatively small, weak storm was investigated by the NCAR/NOAA instrumented sailplane in coordination with NCAR Queen Air 306D. The potential instability was...- publication PDF
The National Hail Research Experiment
The National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE) is a cooperative fiveyear research project (FY 1972 to FY 1976), endorsed by the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric...- publication PDF
Case Studies on Convective Storms / Case Study 1. 22 June 1976: First Echo Case
This is one of a series of documents reporting data on aircraft penetrations in convective clouds, ranging from cumulus congestus to thunderstorms, in northeastern Colorado and...- publication PDF
A Prototype Optical Flowmeter for the Measurement of Liquid Water Content
This report depicts the design and preliminary evaluation of an optical flowmeter for measurement of the liquid water content in warm clouds and rain showers. The sensing...- publication PDF
Airflow and Hail Growth in Supercell Storms and Some Implications for Hail Su...
This paper presents evidence that the competing embryo concept is not valid for what we have termed the archetypal supercell. Multiple radar and aircraft observations of a...- publication PDF