Longitudinal variations in the F region ionosphere and the topside ionosphere...
Constellation Observing System for Meteorology Ionosphere and Climate (COSMIC) observations of the total electron content (TEC) above and below 800 km are used to study the...- publication PDF
Sources of water vapor and their effects on water isotopes in precipitation i...
Climate records of ratios of stable water isotopes of oxygen (delta O-18) are used to reconstruct the past Indian monsoon precipitation. Identifying the sources of water vapor...- publication PDF
Orographic cirrus and its radiative forcing in NCAR CAM6
Cirrus clouds play an important role in the Earth's radiative energy budget, thereby affecting the climate state and climate change. Orographic gravity wave (OGW)-induced...- publication PDF
Examining Variations in the Optimal Compression Level of Spatiotemporal Datas...
Lossy compression of climate model output is desperately needed to reduce the massive storage burden on research centers. Lossy compression must be applied carefully to avoid...- publication PDF
U.S. public preferences for weather and road condition information
In 2008, the American Meteorological Society (AMS) Board on Enterprise Planning (BEP) established the Committee on Mobile Observations to discuss the application and utilization...- publication PDF
Space–time variability in UTLS chemical distribution in the Asian summer mo...
The Asian summer monsoon (ASM) creates a hemispheric-scale signature in trace-gas distributions in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). Data from satellite...- publication PDF
Concentric gravity waves in the mesosphere generated by deep convective plume...
Gravity waves in the mesopause region (80 - 105 km) may induce perturbations in OH Meinal Band emissions at ∼87 km. These perturbations can be observed by ground-based OH...- publication PDF
Contributions of clouds, surface albedos, and mixed-phase ice nucleation sche...
The Arctic radiation balance is strongly affected by clouds and surface albedo. Prior work has identified Arctic cloud liquid water path (LWP) and surface radiative flux biases...- publication PDF
Performance bounds for particle filters using the optimal proposal
Particle filters may suffer from degeneracy of the particle weights. For the simplest "bootstrap" filter, it is known that avoiding degeneracy in large systems requires that the...- publication PDF
The CU mobile Solar Occultation Flux instrument: Structure functions and emis...
We describe the University of Colorado mobile Solar Occultation Flux instrument (CU mobile SOF). The instrument consists of a digital mobile solar tracker that is coupled to a...- publication PDF
Deep learning to evaluate US NOx emissions using surface ozone predictions
Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx = NO + NO2) in the United States have declined significantly during the past three decades. However, satellite observations since 2009 indicate...- publication PDF
Whistler mode waves in the compressional boundary of foreshock transients
Earth's foreshock is filled with backstreaming particles that can generate a variety of waves and foreshock transients. According to recent studies, these particles can be...- publication PDF
Implications of the methodological choices for hydrologic portrayals of clima...
Continental-domain assessments of climate change impacts on water resources typically rely on statistically downscaled climate model outputs to force hydrologic models at a...- publication PDF
Shallowing glacial Antarctic intermediate water by changes in sea ice and hyd...
The Antarctic Intermediate Water (AAIW) is an essential global ocean water mass at intermediate depths. Coupled climate models in isotope-enabled (delta O-18, delta D), fully...- publication PDF
A revised lower estimate of ozone columns during Earth’s oxygenated history
The history of molecular oxygen (O-2) in Earth's atmosphere is still debated; however, geological evidence supports at least two major episodes where O-2 increased by an order...- publication PDF
2018 Continues record global ocean warming
The increasing heat-trapping gases emitted by human activities into the atmosphere produce an energy imbalance between incoming solar radiation and outgoing longwave radiation...- publication PDF
First observation of mesospheric and thermospheric winds by a Fabry-Perot int...
A Fabry-Perot interferometer, funded by the Meridian Project in China, was deployed at the Xinglong station (40.2 degrees N, 117.4 degrees E) of the National Astronomical...- publication PDF
The mesoscale kinetic energy spectrum of a baroclinic life cycle
The atmospheric mesoscale kinetic energy spectrum is investigated through numerical simulations of an idealized baroclinic wave life cycle, from linear instability to mature...- publication PDF
Evaluating the present annual water budget of a Himalayan headwater river bas...
Understanding the present water budget in Himalayan Basins is a challenge due to poor in situ coverage, incomplete or unreliable records, and the limitations of coarse...- publication PDF
Observational evidence that radiative heating modifies the life cycle of trop...
A variety of satellite and ground-based observations are used to study how diurnal variations of cloud radiative heating affect the life cycle of anvil clouds over the tropical...- publication PDF