Atmospheric kinetic energy spectra from global high-resolution nonhydrostatic...
Kinetic energy (KE) spectra derived from global high-resolution atmospheric simulations from the Model for Prediction Across Scales (MPAS) are presented. The simulations are...- publication PDF
Implementation of aerosol data assimilation in WRFDA (v4.0.3) for WRF-Chem (v...
The Weather Research and Forecasting model data assimilation (WRFDA) system, initially designed for meteorological data assimilation, is extended for aerosol data assimilation...- publication PDF
Excitation of rainfall over the Tropical Western Pacific
The authors have examined 4 years of satellite-derived SST and rainfall data in anticipation of a relationship between SST structure and the excitation of convective rainfall....- publication PDF
Robust detection of forced warming in the presence of potentially large clima...
Climate warming is unequivocal and exceeds internal climate variability. However, estimates of the magnitude of decadal-scale variability from models and observations are...- publication PDF
Potential impacts on ozone and climate from a proposed fleet of supersonic ai...
There has been renewed interest in developing commercial supersonic transport aircraft due to the increased overall demands by the public for air travel, the aspiration for more...- publication PDF
Convection: The likely source of the medium-scale gravity waves observed in t...
Six medium-scale gravity waves (GWs) with horizontal wavelengths of λH=60 - 160 km were detected on four nights by Taylor et al. (2009) in the OH airglow layer near Brasilia, at...- publication PDF
Does positioning of the North Pacific Current affect downstream ecosystem pro...
Fluctuations in the positioning of major ocean currents can influence ecosystem dynamics, but previously the technology has been lacking to make direct observational...- publication PDF
From reliable weather forecasts to skilful climate response: A dynamical syst...
While weather forecasting models can be tested by performing and evaluating many hindcasts, the limited observational record restricts the degree to which climate projections...- publication PDF
Opportunistic experiments to constrain aerosol effective radiative forcing
Aerosol-cloud interactions (ACIs) are considered to be the most uncertain driver of present-day radiative forcing due to human activities. The nonlinearity of cloud-state...- publication PDF
How can mountaintop CO2 observations be used to constrain regional carbon flu...
Despite the need for researchers to understand terrestrial biospheric carbon fluxes to account for carbon cycle feedbacks and predict future CO2 concentrations, knowledge of...- publication PDF
Storm surge and "certain death": Interviews with Texas coastal residents foll...
Hurricane Ike made landfall near Galveston, Texas, on 13 September 2008 as a large category 2 storm that generated significant storm surge and flooding. This article presents...- publication PDF
The role of radiation in accelerating tropical cyclogenesis in idealized simu...
Recent numerical modeling studies indicate the importance of radiation in the transformation from a tropical disturbance to a tropical depression, a process known as tropical...- publication PDF
Abel ionospheric inversion technique and its error analysis
Currently, GNSS-LEO ionospheric radio occultation (IRO) is a new and powerful technique in probing ionosphere. In order to eliminate the effect from the topside ionosphere above...- publication PDF
An analog approach for weather estimation using climate projections and reana...
General circulation models (GCMs) are essential for projecting future climate; however, despite the rapid advances in their ability to simulate the climate system at increasing...- publication PDF
Projected changes in seasonal precipitation extremes over the United States i...
Quantifying how climate change may impact precipitation extremes is a priority for informing adaptation and policy planning. In this study, Coupled Model Intercomparison Project...- publication PDF
MJO simulation diagnostics
The Madden-Julian oscillation (MJO) interacts with and influences a wide range of weather and climate phenomena (e.g., monsoons, ENSO, tropical storms, midlatitude weather), and...- publication PDF
Climatology of UV-A, UV-B, and Erythemal Radiation at the Earth's Surface, 19...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Line-of-sight velocity as a tracer of coronal cavity magnetic structure
We present a statistical analysis of 66 days of observations of quiescent (non-erupting) coronal cavities and associated velocity and thermal structures. We find that nested...- publication PDF
Aerosol absorption over land derived from the ultra-violet aerosol index by d...
Quantitative measurements of aerosol absorptive properties, e.g., the absorbing aerosol optical depth (AAOD) and the single scattering albedo (SSA), are important to reduce...- publication PDF
Magnetic fields in the solar convection zone (Original version)
Active regions on the solar surface are generally thought to originate from a strong toroidal magnetic field generated by a deep seated solar dynamo mechanism operating at the...- publication PDF