Partitioning of semivolatile surface-active compounds between bulk, surface a...
We present a model study demonstrating that surface partitioning of volatile surfactants enhances their uptake by submicron liquid droplets. In submicron-sized droplets, surface...- publication PDF
The dry season intensity as a key driver of NPP trends
We analyze the impacts of changing dry season length and intensity on vegetation productivity and biomass. Our results show a wetness asymmetry in dry ecosystems, with dry...- publication PDF
Multi-sensor study of precipitable water vapor and atmospheric profiling from...
We compare the precipitable water vapor (PWV) determined using a domestic ground-based microwave radiometer (MWR PWV) with PWV measurements from radiosondes (RS PWV), the Global...- publication PDF
Polarimetric radar analysis of rain drop size variability in maritime and con...
During the Queensland Cloud Seeding Research Program the CP2 polarimetric radar parameter differential radar reflectivity (Zdr) was used to examine the rain drop size evolution...- publication PDF
Continuous rise of the tropopause in the Northern Hemisphere over 1980–2020
Tropopause height (H) is a sensitive diagnostic for anthropogenic climate change. Previous studies showed increases in H over 1980–2000 but were inconsistent in projecting H...- publication PDF
Small-scale behavior of Hall magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
Decaying Hall magnetohydrodynamic (HMHD) turbulence is studied using three-dimensional (3D) direct numerical simulations with grids up to 768(3) points and two different types...- publication PDF
How waviness in the circulation changes surface ozone: A viewpoint using loca...
Local finite-amplitude wave activity (LWA) measures the waviness of the local flow. In this work we relate the anticyclonic part of LWA, AWA (anticyclonic wave activity), to...- publication PDF
Comparing proxy and model estimates of hydroclimate variability and change ov...
Water availability is fundamental to societies and ecosystems, but our understanding of variations in hydroclimate (including extreme events, flooding, and decadal periods of...- publication PDF
What determines the number and the timing of pulses in afternoon precipitatio...
Using GoAmazon observations over the central Amazon, we investigate double-pulse events of afternoon precipitation for the first time. Relative humidity is the dominant factor...- publication PDF
Anthropogenic control over wintertime oxidation of atmospheric pollutants
During winter in the midlatitudes, photochemical oxidation is significantly slower than in summer and the main radical oxidants driving formation of secondary pollutants, such...- publication PDF
A method for retrieving clouds with satellite infrared radiancesusing the par...
Ensemble-based techniques have been widely utilized in estimating uncertainties in various problems of interest in geophysical applications. A new cloud retrieval method is...- publication PDF
A global climatology of wind-wave interaction
Generally, ocean waves are thought to act as a drag on the surface wind so that momentum is transferred downward, from the atmosphere into the waves. Recent observations have...- publication PDF
A Monge-Ampère enhancement for semi-Lagrangian methods
Demanding the compatibility of semi-Lagrangian trajectory schemes with the fundamental Euler expansion formula leads to the Monge-Ampère (MA) nonlinear second-order partial...- publication PDF
Transport above the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone inferred from Aura Micro...
Tracer variability above the Asian summer monsoon anticyclone is investigated using Aura Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) measurements of carbon monoxide, ozone, water vapor, and...- publication PDF
Initial precipitation formation in warm Florida cumulus
The microphysical processes that lead to the development of precipitation in small, warm cumulus are examined using data from the Small Cumulus Microphysics Study near Cape...- publication PDF
Corrigendum: 'Reframing climate change assessments around risk: recommendatio...
This is a corrigendum for the article 2017 Environ. Res. Lett. 12 080201- publication PDF
The University of Washington shallow convection and moist turbulence schemes ...
This paper describes a new version of the University of Washington shallow cumulus parameterization. The new version includes improved treatments of lateral mixing rates into...- publication PDF
User's Guide to the MM5 Adjoint Modeling System
This report is a manual on the MM5 Adjoint Modeling System.- publication PDF
Evaluating icing nowcasts using cloudsat
The Current Icing Product (CIP) is a model/observation fusion tool to diagnose aircraft icing probability and severity. Implemented at the Aviation Weather Center, it is used by...- publication PDF
Wildfire smoke observations in the Western United States from the airborne Wy...
During the summer of 2018, the upward-pointing Wyoming Cloud Lidar (WCL) was deployed on board the University of Wyoming King Air (UWKA) research aircraft for the Biomass...- publication PDF