An observational study of a coastal barrier jet induced by a landfalling typhoon
In this study, the structure and evolution of a coastal barrier jet (CBJ) along the east coast of Taiwan is documented using operational Doppler radars. The formation of the CBJ...- publication PDF
Effects of ozone-vegetation coupling on surface ozone air quality via biogeoc...
Tropospheric ozone is one of the most hazardous air pollutants as it harms both human health and plant productivity. Foliage uptake of ozone via dry deposition damages...- publication PDF
Partitioning uncertainty in ocean carbon uptake projections: Internal variabi...
We quantify and isolate the sources of projection uncertainty in annual-mean sea-air CO2 flux over the period 2006-2080 on global and regional scales using output from two sets...- publication PDF
Skillful seasonal prediction of North American summertime heat extremes
This study shows that the frequency of North American summertime (June-August) heat extremes is skillfully predicted several months in advance in the newly developed Geophysical...- publication PDF
The role of the stratosphere in subseasonal to seasonal prediction: 2. Predic...
The stratosphere can have a significant impact on winter surface weather on subseasonal to seasonal (S2S) timescales. This study evaluates the ability of current operational S2S...- publication PDF
Dengue in the campus community of an overseas American university: A cross-se...
Introduction: After a large outbreak of dengue virus (DENV) serotype-3 in Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN) in 2008, we performed a cross-sectional study to determine the prevalence...- publication PDF
Statistical significance of climate sensitivity predictors obtained by data m...
Several recent efforts to estimate Earth's equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) focus on identifying quantities in the current climate which are skillful predictors of ECS yet...- publication PDF
The response of permafrost and high‐latitude ecosystems under large‐scale str...
Climate engineering arises as one of the potential methods that could contribute to meeting the 1.5 degrees C global warming target agreed under the Paris Agreement. We examine...- publication PDF
Community support and transition of research to operations for the Hurricane ...
The Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting Model (HWRF) is an operational model used to provide numerical guidance in support of tropical cyclone forecasting at the National...- publication PDF
The setup of the MesoVICT project
Recent advancements in numerical weather prediction (NWP) and the enhancement of model resolution have created the need for more robust and informative verification methods. In...- publication PDF
Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) climate forcing and ocean dynamical feedback and ...
Equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) has been directly estimated using reconstructions of past climates that are different than today's. A challenge to this approach is that...- publication PDF
Projected changes in Arctic Ocean freshwater budgets
Arctic Ocean freshwater budgets are examined from 10 models participating in the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Fourth Assessment Report. This includes an analysis of...- publication PDF
Coupling of tree growth and photosynthetic carbon uptake across six North Ame...
Linking biometric measurements of stand-level biomass growth to tower-based measurements of carbon uptake-gross primary productivity and net ecosystem productivity-has been the...- publication PDF
Quantification of the Arctic sea ice‐driven atmospheric circulation variabili...
A coordinated set of large ensemble atmosphere-only simulations is used to investigate the impacts of observed Arctic sea ice-driven variability (SIDV) on the atmospheric...- publication PDF
Dynamics of orographic rain associated with the passage of a tropical cyclone...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Decoupling peroxyacetyl nitrate from ozone in Chinese outflows observed at Go...
We measured peroxyacetyl nitrate (PAN) and other reactive species such as O3, NO2, CO, and SO2 with aerosols including mass, organic carbon (OC), and elemental carbon (EC) in...- publication PDF
WRF gray‐zone simulations of precipitation over the Middle‐East and the UAE: ...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Observation-based estimates of global and basin ocean meridional heat transpo...
Ocean meridional heat transports (MHTs) are deduced as a residual using energy budgets to produce latitude versus time series for the globe, Indo-Pacific, and Atlantic. The...- publication PDF
Multi-year comparisons of ground-based and space-borne Fourier transform spec...
This paper presents 8 years (2006-2013) of measurements obtained from Fourier transform spectrometers (FTSs) in the high Arctic at the Polar Environment Atmospheric Research...- publication PDF
Comparing optimized CO emission estimates using MOPITT or NOAA surface networ...
This paper compares two global inversions to estimate carbon monoxide (CO) emissions for 2004. Either surface flask observations from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric...- publication PDF