Historical WCRP Global Preliminary Monthly Precipitation Analyses
This is a monthly merged precipitation data set. The data has been merged from rain gauge measurements, IR, SSMI and the ECMWF model results. Contact Data Support at NCAR to...- dataset ASCII
ETOPO1, Global 1 Arc-minute Ocean Depth and Land Elevation from the US Nation...
ETOPO1 is a 1 arc-minute global relief model of Earth's surface that integrates land topography and ocean bathymetry. It was built from numerous global and regional data sets,...- dataset NetCDF
MONEX Monsoon-77 Somalia Pibals and U.S.S.R. Ships
During the summer of 1977, pibal and ship data were collected in conjunction with the Monsoon Experiment (MONEX). Included in this dataset are pibal data from four special...- dataset Binary
Arkin's GOES Half-Monthly Temperature Distribution Histograms, December 1981 ...
This dataset contains global semimonthly temperature distribution histograms derived from GOES satellite data. The data are on a 2.5-degree grid and span cover the period from...- dataset Binary
Global Oceanographic Data Set Atlas
Samuels and Cox (GFDL) took 15 commonly used data sets for ocean models and put them on a uniform 1 by 1 degree grid. Original data sources include Levitus, Hellerman, Esbensen...- dataset ASCII
Northern Hemisphere Winter Circulation Statistics
Winter seasonal circulation statistics for the Northern Hemisphere were derived from NMC analyses by Ngar-Cheung (Gabriel) Lau. Grids are available at various tropospheric...- dataset Binary
GFDL MOM Climatological Ocean Initialization Analyses
Formatted and Unformatted data archive used to create initialization grids for the GFDL MOM model.- dataset ASCII
Monthly Flow Rates of World Rivers (except former Soviet Union)
This compilation of monthly river flow rate data, for most of the globe except former Soviet Union countries, was prepared by Byron Bodo from a combination of datasets from...- dataset ASCII
Harnack's Monthly South American Precipitation
Monthly precipitation for South American stations for 1891 to 1983.- dataset Binary ASCII
Waliser and Zhou Satellite Equatorial Crossing Time-Corrected Monthly Tropica...
Gridded analyses of OLR (Outgoing Longwave Radiation) and HRC (Highly Reflective Cloud) anomalies wherein the bias due to changing equatorial crossing times has been estimated...- dataset Binary
Monthly Northern Hemisphere 2.5-degree Tropospheric Analyses for 1946-1972
This dataset contains a time-series collection of monthly Northern Hemisphere tropospheric data on a 2.5-degree latitude/longitude grid. These grids were created by DSS from the...- dataset GRIB
Pilot Chart Summary Data
These one-degree and five-degree quadrangle summaries give the observation count for an eight-point "wind rose", and means and standard deviations for: wind speed, pressure, air...- dataset ASCII
World Weather Records, 1961-1990
The first series of World Weather Records (WWR) was published in 1927 by the Smithsonian Institution and covered the full period of record up to 1920. After that, decadal series...- dataset ASCII
U.S. AFGWC Global Surface Observations, 1975Apr-May
Samples of data collected by the U.S. Air Force Global Weather Central (AFGWC).- dataset Binary
China Monthly Station Precipitation and Temperature
This dataset contains monthly temperature and precipitation data for fifty Chinese stations for 1951 to 1984.- dataset Binary
Scripps Pier and West Coast Seawater Temperature and Salinity Observations
Twenty-nine time series data files with temperature and salinity recorded at approximately 14 locations along the west coast of the U.S.- dataset ASCII
WCRP and WWRP THORPEX YOTC (Year of Tropical Convection) Project, Single Para...
The realistic representation of tropical convection in our global atmospheric models is a long-standing grand challenge for numerical weather forecasts and global climate...- dataset GRIB
Sadler's Pacific Island Precipitation, monthly 1965-1972
This dataset contains monthly precipitation values on a 2.5-degree grid covering the tropical Pacific Ocean from 30S latitude to 30N and from 105E longitude to 290E. Grids are...- dataset Binary
NCAR ADP Upper Air Station History (DSS built)
History of station position and elevation changes are archived for all stations in the NMC ADP upper air data set (ds353.4)- dataset ASCII
Add-on Data for the ICOADS Value-Added Database (IVAD)
This dataset contains original community-based contributions that are added onto ICOADS records as part of the ICOADS Value-added Database project. These contributions were...- dataset ASCII