CAC Monthly Pacific Island Precipitation
This dataset contains monthly mean rainfall amounts from Malaysia, islands in the central Pacific Ocean, and Hawaii.- dataset Binary
SEASAT-A Satellite Scatterometer Derived Surface Wind Stress for the Global O...
Scatterometer data from Seasat, until the mission abruptly ended in October 1978, was used to derive 10-meter wind speed components over the global ocean at 2.5-degree...- dataset ASCII
CESM2 83-level simulations
In the next generation of the Community Atmosphere Model (CAM7), the model top will be raised and the vertical resolution will be increased. The model top will be approximately...- dataset NetCDF
TOGA COARE Large Scale Atmospheric Data
This dataset contains synoptic surface and upper air data and satellite images obtained during TOGA COARE. For other TOGA COARE data archives, see the UCAR/EOL TOGA COARE...- dataset Binary
Global Gridded Spectral Height and Temperature Fields
This dataset contains once-daily global gridded geopotential height and temperature at levels from 1000 millibars up to 1 millibar for the period from April 1979 to May 1994....- dataset Binary
NCDC WBAN Station Library
Prepared by the National Climatic Data Center. For each U.S. controlled (and Canadian) station listed, there is a name, WBAN number, latitude and longitude and elevation.- dataset ASCII
Olson's CDIAC Major World Ecosystem Complexes Ranked by Carbon in Live Vegeta...
A computerized database used to generate a global vegetation map of 44 different land ecosystem complexes comprising seven broad groups is provided. The database provides a...- dataset ASCII
Global Oceanic Precipitation from the Microwave Sounding Unit
This dataset contains daily and monthly oceanic precipitation analyses on a 2.5-degree global grid. The data were constructed from the Microwave Sounding Units of seven TIROS-N...- dataset ASCII
NCDC TD9734 Typical Meteorological Year, Solar and Surface Observations
This dataset contains daily surface data which represent the "typical meteorological year" (TMY) for stations in nine regions across the United States. Also in this dataset are...- dataset ASCII
ECMWF AMEX Global Tropospheric and Stratospheric Analyses, daily 1987Jan
This dataset contains daily tropospheric and stratospheric analyses from the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) for the Australian Monsoon Experiment...- dataset GRIB
CPC Merged Analysis of Precipitation (CMAP)
Precipitation from five kinds of satellite estimates and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis model output are combined for global coverage monthly precipitation values. The standard...- dataset NetCDF
International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) Release 2.5, M...
This dataset is superseded by ICOADS Release 3, Monthly Summary [https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds548.1/] The International Comprehensive Ocean-Atmosphere Data Set (ICOADS) is a...- dataset Binary ASCII
Earth Radiation Budget Estimates
Climatological estimates of the earth radiation budget at the top of the atmosphere are presented in five radiation fields: emitted flux, reflected flux, incident flux, albedo,...- dataset Binary
TD14 and TD3280 U.S. Surface Airway Hourly Observations
This data set, from the National Climatic Data Center (NCDC), contains hourly or 3-hourly surface weather observations, primarily measured at major airports and military bases....- dataset Binary ASCII
New Zealand Area Sea Level Pressure, daily 1957Jun-1978Feb
This dataset contains gridded sea-level pressure data that covers the area around New Zealand. The grid is a 16 by 16 grid over the area from 5S to 80S and 60E to 150W, with a...- dataset Binary
TWERLE Southern Hemisphere Drifting Balloon Data
This dataset contains data from the Tropospheric Wind Earth Radio Location Experiment (TWERLE) constant-level balloons over the Southern Hemisphere for June 1975 to August 1976....- dataset Binary NetCDF
Climatologies of Precipitation, Temperature and Derived Soil Moisture
Global long period monthly mean precipitation, temperature, and derived fields of evapotranspiration, soil moisture, storage, etc.- dataset Binary ASCII
ALPEX Aircraft Observations, Spring 1982
The ALPine EXperiment (ALPEX) was the last major field program under the Global Atmospheric Research Programme (GARP). This dataset contains aircraft observations from the...- dataset Binary
A Global Climatology for January, April, July, and October
Surface and Upper air climatology. Upper air climatology interpolated from data supplied by NCAR from DS200.0 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds200.0/]and DS205.0...- dataset ASCII
NSIDC Meteorological Data from the Russian Arctic, 1961-2000
"This data set contains monthly means of meteorological observation data from Russian stations from 1961-2000 (for most stations). The Russian station observations were provided...- dataset ASCII