KGEN: A Python tool for automated Fortran kernel generation and verification
Computational kernels, which are small pieces of software that selectively capture the characteristics of larger applications, have been used successfully for decades. Kernels...- publication PDF
Gridded ensemble precipitation and temperature estimates for the contiguous U...
Gridded precipitation and temperature products are inherently uncertain because of myriad factors, including interpolation from a sparse observation network, measurement...- publication PDF
Characteristics and trends in various forms of the Palmer Drought Severity In...
The Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) has been widely used to study aridity changes in modern and past climates. Efforts to address its major problems have led to new...- publication PDF
A multimodal data fusion and deep learning framework for large-scale wildfire...
Accurate estimation of fuels is essential for wildland fire simulations as well as decision-making related to land management. Numerous research efforts have leveraged remote...- publication PDF
Polarization lidar at summit, Greenland, for the detection of cloud phase and...
Accurate measurements of cloud properties are necessary to document the full range of cloud conditions and characteristics. The Cloud, Aerosol Polarization and Backscatter Lidar...- publication PDF
Land use change exacerbates tropical South American drought by sea surface te...
Observations of tropical South American precipitation over the last three decades indicate an increasing rainfall trend to the north and a decreasing trend to the south. Given...- publication PDF
The Community Land Model's Dynamic Global Vegetation Model (CLM-DGVM): Techni...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Multi-decade measurements of the long-term trends of atmospheric species by h...
Solar absorption spectra were recorded for the first time in 5 years with the McMath Fourier transform spectrometer at the US National Solar Observatory on Kitt Peak in southern...- publication PDF
Challenges in combining projections from multiple climate models
Recent coordinated efforts, in which numerous general circulation climate models have been run for a common set of experiments, have produced large datasets of projections of...- publication PDF
A perspective on the fundamental quality of GPS radio occultation data
Radio occultation (RO) is a promising source of observation for weather and climate applications. However, the uncertainties arising from imperfect retrieval algorithms may...- publication PDF
A potential enstrophy and energy conserving scheme for the shallow-water equa...
An energy and potential enstrophy conserving finite-difference scheme for the shallow-water equations is derived in generalized curvilinear coordinates. This is an extension of...- publication PDF
The Arctic System Reanalysis, Version 2
The new regional 15-km Arctic System Reanalysis, version 2, provides the accuracy and details necessary for many Arctic climate studies over the period 2000-12.- publication PDF
The coastal streamflow flux in the Regional Arctic System Model
The coastal streamflow flux from the Arctic drainage basin is an important driver of dynamics in the coupled ice-ocean system. Comprising more than one third of the total...- publication PDF
The CAMELS data set: catchment attributes and meteorology for large-sample st...
We present a new data set of attributes for 671 catchments in the contiguous United States (CONUS) minimally impacted by human activities. This complements the daily time series...- publication PDF
Characteristics and sources of intense geoelectric fields in the United State...
Intense geoelectric fields during geomagnetic storms drive geomagnetically induced currents in power grids and other infrastructure, yet there are limited direct measurements of...- publication PDF
A Weibull approach for improving climate model projections of tropical cyclon...
Reliable estimates of future changes in extreme weather phenomena, such as tropical cyclone maximum wind speeds, are critical for climate change impact assessments and the...- publication PDF
Skillful prediction of monthly major hurricane activity in the North Atlantic...
We investigate the monthly prediction of North Atlantic hurricane and especially major hurricane activity based on the Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory High-Resolution...- publication PDF
Mesoscale convection structures associated with airglow patches characterized...
Polar cap ionospheric plasma flow studies often focus on large-scale averaged properties and neglect the mesoscale component. However, recent studies have shown that mesoscale...- publication PDF
Hurricane Weather Research and Forecasting (HWRF) Model: 2017 Scientific Docu...
The Hurricane Weather Research and Forecast (HWRF) system has been in operation at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration’s (NOAA) National Centers for...- publication PDF
Interpretable models capture the complex relationship between climate indices...
There have been many extreme fire seasons in Maritime Southeast Asia (MSEA) over the last two decades. Fires, in turn, are a major driver of atmospheric carbon monoxide (CO)...- publication PDF