USDA/NRCS Soil Moisture/Soil Temperature Network Data
This dataset contains the USDA/NRCS Soil Moisture/Soil Temperature Network data. Data are available only from those states within the GCIP/EOP region. This data is provided as...- dataset ASCII
Colorado State University Surface Weather Data
This data set contains the surface meteorological data from the two meter tower that was deployed at locations around the Cordoba and Mendoza regions of Argentina by Colorado...- dataset ASCII
NCAR/EOL Surface Meteorological data at Hokitika
Surface meteorology measurements of the Integrated Surface Flux System (ISFS) at Hokitika on the New Zealand South Island west coast in support of the DEEPWAVE field campaign,...- dataset NetCDF
German Climate Model Outputs for Carbon Dioxide Studies
This dataset contains outputs from two runs of a coupled atmosphere-ocean model at DKRZ in Hamburg. The runs were made in 1990 and they include a control run and an IPCC...- dataset GRIB
WATer and global CHange (WATCH) Forcing Data (WFD) - 20th Century
New global sub-daily meteorological forcing data are provided for use with land surface and hydrological-models. The data are derived from the ERA-40 reanalysis product via...- dataset NetCDF
AmeriFlux Gap-Filled Data from Selected Sites
AmeriFlux [http://ameriflux.lbl.gov/] is part of the larger network Fluxnet [http://daac.ornl.gov/FLUXNET/fluxnet.shtml] which endeavors to connect observations from regional...- dataset NetCDF
The WFDEI Meteorological Forcing Data
The WFDEI meteorological forcing data set has been generated using the same methodology as the widely used WATCH Forcing Data (WFD) by making use of the ERA-Interim reanalysis...- dataset NetCDF
An Ensemble of Atmospheric Forcing Files from a CAM reanalysis
This dataset contains files that are an ensemble of 'coupler history' files from an 80-member reanalysis performed with the Data Assimilation Research Testbed (DART) using the...- dataset NetCDF
Report of instantaneous values of the intensity of direct solar radiation, 19...
This resource provides solar radiation observations made 1948-1965 compiled by the Taiwan Provincial Weather Bureau. The information provided includes: I - The values of the...- dataset Physical Media
Climatological data for Arctic stations, 1957-1958
This resource is a booklet summarizing polar meteorological observations from the International Geophysical Year, July 1957-Dec. 1958. Information provided includes measurements...- dataset Physical Media
A Delta-Eddington Mutiple Scattering Parameterization for Solar Radiation in ...
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
Comparison of NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM) Climates
The purpose of this project is to establish the climate record of four versions of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Climate Model (CCM). All four...- publication PDF
A User's Guide to the VEMAP Phase 1 Database
The Vegetation/Ecosystem Modeling and Analysis Project (VEMAP) is an ongoing multi-institutional, international effort addressing the response of biogeography and...- publication PDF
CONUS air quality reanalysis dataset (2005-2018)
This 14 year hourly air quality reanalysis dataset is generated through daily assimilation of the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol optical depth...- dataset ASCII NetCDF
Ice Camp Mobile Radiometric Platform Measurements (Link to CU) [Maslanik, J.]
A mobile platform was employed at the SHEBA site to provide detailed spatial and temporal sampling of a subset of radiometric measurements comparable to those obtained at the...- dataset UNDEFINED FORMAT
Meteorological and Radio Brightness Observations of Thawing Permafrost Near T...
This data set includes meteorological and radio brightness observations of tundra and shrub terrain on the North Slope of Alaska, USA near Toolik Lake. These data are nearly...- dataset Archive
Large Area Estimates of Carbon Fluxes of Arctic Landscapes
Net CO2, evapotranspiration, and energy exchange were measured during 1998-2001 in wet-moist coastal sedge tundra (Barrow: 71 degrees 21 minutes north, 156 degrees 37 minutes...- dataset ASCII
Temperature and Radiation Observation for Alaskan Shrub Tundra
This data set includes observations of temperature and incident radiation for eight transects near the Nimiutuk River on the North Slope of Alaska. The measurements were taken...- dataset Excel