Lecture Notes on The Planetary Boundary Layer
This set of lecture notes introduces the dynamics, statistics, clouds, and models of the planetary boundary layer (PBL). The author prepared the notes for graduate classes while...- publication PDF
On Atmospheric Simulation: A Colloquium
To assess a national need for facilities to simulate atmospheric processes, a Colloquium on Atmospheric Simulation was set up to survey current laboratory experimentation on...- publication PDF
Fellowship Program in Scientific Computing: Internship Program for Minority S...
The papers contained in the 1976 Technical Note NCAR/TN-119+PROC represent the research and programming carried out / 12 students in the Computing Facility summer programs...- publication PDF
Dispersion of Smoke Plumes From the Oil Fires of Kuwait
Measurements collected during the multiple passes of a research aircraft through the smoke plumes from the oil fires of Kuwait are used to determine the sizes and growth rates...- publication PDF
The Ophir Radiometric Thermometer: Preliminary Evaluation
This article does not have an abstract or article summary.- publication PDF
National Hail Research Experiment Data Catalog (1972-1976)
This document constitutes a portion of the final report to the National Science Foundation (NSF) on the National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE). The purpose of the material...- publication PDF
An Airplane-Mounted System for Sensing and Recording Radio Noise in Clouds
This document reports an instrumental development which solved certain problems in field research for NCAR staff scientists concerning the detection of electrification in...- publication PDF
Multi-sensor Advection Diffusion nowCast (MADCast) for cloud analysis and sho...
A new approach designed for the analysis and short-term forecasting of clouds,called Multi-sensor Advection-Diffusion nowCast (MADCast), has been implemented within the Weather...- publication PDF
Taiwan Area Mesoscale Experiment: A Guide to Precipitation Patterns During th...
This document summarizes radar reflectivity patterns in the Doppler radar coverage area during the field phase of the experiment. Its purpose is (1)to provide a condensed sample...- publication PDF
Radar data and climatological statistics associated with warm season precipit...
This Technical Note supplements the Carbone et al. (2001) study, for which meridionally averaged composites of national radar reflectivity were used to compile seasonal...- publication PDF
Flux and Sounding Data From the NCAR King Air Aircraft During HAPEX
This technical note describes the operation of the NCAR King Air aircraft during HAPEX, the methods of processing the data, and presents a large portion of the data from the...- publication PDF
Internal Storm Motions From a Single Non-Doppler Weather Radar
A correlation analysis pattern recognition technique called TREC (for tracking radar echoes by correlation) is developed which is capable of determining motions within storms....- publication PDF
Case Studies on Convective Storms / Case Study 4, 27 July 1976: First Echo Case
On 27 July 1976, a relatively small, weak storm was investigated by the NCAR/NOAA instrumented sailplane in coordination with NCAR Queen Air 306D. The potential instability was...- publication PDF
The National Hail Research Experiment
The National Hail Research Experiment (NHRE) is a cooperative fiveyear research project (FY 1972 to FY 1976), endorsed by the Interdepartmental Committee for Atmospheric...- publication PDF
January and July Simulation Experiments With the 2.5 Latitude-longitude Versi...
This technical note documents the capability of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), 2.5�� latitude-longitude, second-generation, 6-layer General Circulation...- publication PDF
Case Studies on Convective Storms / Case Study 1. 22 June 1976: First Echo Case
This is one of a series of documents reporting data on aircraft penetrations in convective clouds, ranging from cumulus congestus to thunderstorms, in northeastern Colorado and...- publication PDF
Thermal Convection: A Colloquium, Sponsored by the NCAR Advanced Study Progra...
This document is part one of three which report the results of a six-week colloquium on problems of thermal convection held during the summer of 1966. The colloquium covered a...- publication PDF
Comparison of NCAR Community Climate Model (CCM) Climates
The purpose of this project is to establish the climate record of four versions of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Community Climate Model (CCM). All four...- publication PDF
A Prototype Optical Flowmeter for the Measurement of Liquid Water Content
This report depicts the design and preliminary evaluation of an optical flowmeter for measurement of the liquid water content in warm clouds and rain showers. The sensing...- publication PDF
Airflow and Hail Growth in Supercell Storms and Some Implications for Hail Su...
This paper presents evidence that the competing embryo concept is not valid for what we have termed the archetypal supercell. Multiple radar and aircraft observations of a...- publication PDF