

Evaluation of WRF model output for severe-weather forecasting from the 2008 NOAA Hazardous Weather Testbed Spring Experiment


This study assesses forecasts of the preconvective and near-storm environments from the convection-allowing models run for the 2008 National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Hazardous Weather Testbed (HWT) spring experiment. Evaluating the performance of convection-allowing models (CAMs) is important for encouraging their appropriate use and development for both research and operations. Systematic errors in the CAM forecasts included a cold bias in mean 2-m and 850-hPa temperatures over most of the United States and smaller than observed vertical wind shear and 850-hPa moisture over the high plains. The placement of airmass boundaries was similar in forecasts from the CAMs and the operational North American Mesoscale (NAM) model that provided the initial and boundary conditions. This correspondence contributed to similar characteristics for spatial and temporal mean error patterns. However, substantial errors were found in the CAM forecasts away from airmass boundaries. The result is that the deterministic CAMs do not predict the environment as well as the NAM. It is suggested that parameterized processes used at convection-allowing grid lengths, particularly in the boundary layer, may be contributing to these errors. It is also shown that mean forecasts from an ensemble of CAMs were substantially more accurate than forecasts from deterministic CAMs. If the improvement seen in the CAM forecasts when going from a deterministic framework to an ensemble framework is comparable to improvements in mesoscale model forecasts when going from a deterministic to an ensemble framework, then an ensemble of mesoscale model forecasts could predict the environment even better than an ensemble of CAMs. Therefore, it is suggested that the combination of mesoscale (convection parameterizing) and CAM configurations is an appropriate avenue to explore for optimizing the use of limited computer resources for severe weather forecasting applications.

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Resource Type

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Geographic location

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East bounding longitude

North bounding latitude

South bounding latitude

Temporal reference

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End position

Dataset reference date

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OpenSky Support

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UCAR/NCAR - Library

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OpenSky Support

organisation name

UCAR/NCAR - Library

full postal address

PO Box 3000



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eng; USA