Vegetation Studies: Seward Peninsula 2000 (PDF) [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains a data report which summarizes information that was collected as part of the NSF-sponsored Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmospheric System (ATLAS)...- dataset PDF
IBP Plot Data For Niwot Ridge [Webber]
This dataset contains 1971 data collected on species and land cover and abundance from Webber and Ebert-May's former International Biological Program (IBP) plots on Niwot...- dataset ASCII
Summary Files From Boulder Workshop, Evenness Data
This dataset contains evenness data from the Boulder Workshop, 2001.- dataset ASCII
US Toolik Site 1, Species Data [Walker]
This dataset is a key to species and growth form codes used by Marilyn Walker's research group in their ITEX datasets. For more information, please see the readme file.- dataset ASCII
US Toolik Site 2, Species Excel Data [Bret-Harte]
This dataset contains the species data from the US TOOL2 site, Alaska in 1995. This dataset is in excel format. For more information, please see the readme file.- dataset Excel
Imnavait Creek Plant Species List [MWalker]
This dataset contains species list with growth forms for the point frame data collected at the Imnavait Creek and Toolik Lake Grids from 1989 to 2001. The grid are part of the...- dataset ASCII
Summary Files From Boulder Workshop, Evenness Graph
This dataset contains the evenness summary graph from the Boulder Workshop, 2001.- dataset ASCII
Summary Files From Boulder Workshop, Richness Categorical Results
This dataset contains richness categorical results from the Boulder Workshop, 2001.- dataset ASCII
US Toolik Site 1, Wrkshp Community Data [Walker]
This dataset contains reduced vegetative community data produced for the ITEX Community Synthesis Workshop. Data were collected during the 1996 field season. For more...- dataset ASCII
Multi-site Vegetation Species List and Cover Values (ASCII) [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains species lists and cover values for the Barrow, Atqasuk, Oumalik, and Ivotuk grids on the Arctic Slope, Alaska. The data were collected from marked study...- dataset ASCII
Ivotuk Vegetation Data (ASCII) [Racine, C.]
This dataset contains the Snow, Shrubs, and Weather Group's vegetation data taken from the Ivotuk site in July of 1998 and July of 1999. The goal of the vegetation sampling...- dataset ASCII
Canadian Transect for the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map (CAVM) Data Repor...
This dataset includes sampling schemes, site descriptions, soil descriptions and properties, plant species cover, and photographs of the Canadian Transect during July and August...- dataset Excel PDF
US Toolik Site 1, Archive Community Data [Walker]
This dataset contains vegetative community data from the US TOOL 1 site, Alaska in 2000. For more information, please see the readme file.- dataset ASCII
US Toolik Site 2, Cover Species Excel Data [Bret-Harte]
This dataset contains the species data from the US TOOL2 site Cover Experiment. This data was gathered in Alaska in 1995. This dataset is in excel format. For more information,...- dataset Excel
Summary Files From Boulder Workshop, Berlinor Data
This dataset contains Berlinor data from the Boulder Workshop, 2001.- dataset ASCII
Ivotuk Site Factors for MNT, MAT, Shrub and Moss Grids [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains site factor descriptions for the Ivotuk 1 (MAT), Ivotuk 2 (Shrub), Ivotuk 3 (MNT), and Ivotuk 4 (Moss) grids on the Arctic Slope, Alaska. The data were...- dataset Excel
Ivotuk Vegetation Data (Excel) [Racine, C.]
This dataset contains the Snow, Shrubs, and Weather Group's vegetation data taken from the Ivotuk site in July of 1998 and July of 1999. The goal of the vegetation sampling...- dataset Excel
IBP Species for Niwot Ridge [Webber]
This dataset contains 1971 to 2001 data collected on species and land cover and abundance from Webber and Ebert-May's former International Biological Program (IBP) plots on...- dataset ASCII
Multi-site Vegetation Species List and Cover Values (Excel) [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains species lists and cover values for the Barrow, Atqasuk, Oumalik, and Ivotuk grids on the Arctic Slope, Alaska. The data were collected from marked study...- dataset Excel
US Barrow, Canopy Height vs. Warming Data [Webber]
This dataset compares plant growth with the effects of warming (Canopy Height vs. Warming) as part of the ITEX experiment at the US Barrow site from 1995-2000.- dataset ASCII