Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS)
This satelite data from the Atmospheric Infrared Sounder (AIRS) looks down at the Earth and measures the infrared brightness of the atmosphere. This dataset contains daily AIRS...- dataset NetCDF
Merged Selected GV Low Rate Flight-Level and Instrument Data and Interpolated...
This dataset contains netCDF data files that hold selected variables from the NCAR Gulfstream V (GV) aircraft, instrument observations, and large-scale meteorological variables...- dataset NetCDF
Airborne Imaging Spectrometer Level 2 Ungridded Data
MethaneAIR (“MAIR”) is a dual imaging spectrometer observing reflected sunlight at 1.65 µm (CH4 and CO2) and 1.27 µm. It measures absorption spectra with...- dataset NetCDF
Merged Selected GV Low Rate Flight-Level Data and Interpolated GFS Analysis V...
This dataset contains netCDF data files that hold selected variables from the NCAR Gulfstream V (GV) aircraft and large-scale meteorological variables interpolated in space and...- dataset NetCDF