Seward Peninsula Sites CDs
The Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) Project is a coordinated program that will examine the geographical patterns and controls over climate-land surface...- dataset Archive
Geo-database of MNT, MAT, and Shrub Sites in Northern Alaska (based on MSS La...
This dataset contains the location and site information for the homogeneous MNT, MAT, and Shrub tundra sample sites in northern Alaska. They are created by interpreting and...- dataset Archive
North American Snowmelt 2000 CD [Hinzman, L.]
This dataset includes snowmelt data at nine locations through Alaska as well as Cornwallis Island in the Canadian High Arctic as part of the ATLAS project. This dataset is...- dataset Archive
NCAR-NEON system
Input data, evaluation data, and results from integrating National Ecological Observatory Network (NEON) measurements into single point simulations using the Community...- dataset Archive
Ecosystem metabolism for an arctic warm spring-stream
This dataset investigated the productivity of a perennial, Arctic spring-stream. Ivishak Spring has the stable discharge (~131 L/s) and temperature (~4-8 deg C) typical for...- dataset Archive
History of the Arctic Flora in North America
This dataset in an attempt to increase understanding of how climate cycles of the Quaternary (the last 2.6 million years) impacted divergence in Arctic and alpine tundra flora....- dataset Archive
Climate Data from Barrow and Atqasuk, Alaska, 1995-2001
This data set presents various climate data from sites in Barrow and Atquasuk, on the Northern Slope of Alaska. Parameters include thaw depth, air temperature, precipitation,...- dataset Archive
Meteorological, Radiation, Soil, and Snow Data from Alaska Sites, 1998-2008
This data set contains meteorological, radiation, soil, and snow data from sites in Ivotuk and the Seward Peninsula in Alaska. The goal of the project is to improve the...- dataset Archive
Paleoenvironment, Geomorphic Processes, and Carbon Stocks of Drained Thaw-lak...
These data are from a study of the origin and associated geomorphological, ecological, and pedological processes of thaw-lake basins of the Arctic Coastal Plain, Alaska. The...- dataset Archive
Model Output Assessing Net Carbon Exchange Across the Arctic Tundra-Boreal Fo...
In this study, investigators simulated the temporal and spatial patterns of net carbon exchange in Alaskan ecosystems that span the transition from Arctic tundra to boreal...- dataset Archive
Landscape Age of the Arctic
This data set is of landscape age of the Arctic, in 1000 years since the land surface was available for vegetation colonization. It is in vector format. The age of most recent...- dataset Archive
West Siberian Lowland Peatland GIS Data Collection
This dataset contains the West Siberian Lowland (WSL) peatland GIS data collection. The collection covers the entire West Siberian lowland and was compiled from a wide array of...- dataset PDF Archive
Influence of Ocean Surface Conditions on the Regional Climate of the Northern...
This data set includes simulations data of the Greenland region created with the Pennsylvania State University-National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) Fifth-Generation...- dataset Archive
Model Output of Active Layer Depth in the Arctic Drainage Basin, 1979-2001
Investigators applied the Frozen Ground Model to the entire Arctic Drainage Basin to create this data set of active layer depth (ALD), recorded in centimeters. This model has...- dataset Archive
Large scale water manipulation experiment in the Arctic tundra
This data set includes data from the Barrow Environmental Observatory (BEO) as part of the National Science Foundation (NSF) Biocomplexity Program. This involved increasing and...- dataset Archive
Meteorology, Vegetation, Radiation, Microtopography, and Thaw Depth Data, Ala...
This dataset includes temperature, relative humidity, long- and short-wave radiation, photosynthetically active radiation (PAR), leaf area index (LAI), microtopography, and thaw...- dataset Archive
Time Series of Seasonally Frozen Ground Depth in the Russian Arctic, 1930-1990
This data set consists of seasonally frozen ground depth measurements based on soil temperatures in the Russian Arctic. Seasonal freezing and thawing processes in cold regions...- dataset Archive
Climate and Flux Data from Alaska Sites, 1998-2000
This data set contains climate, flux, and bulk density data from Ivotuk and Council (Seward Peninsula), Alaska, collected from 1998 through 2000. Surface energy and trace gas...- dataset ASCII Archive
Time Series of Active Layer Thickness in the Russian Arctic, 1930-1990
This data set consists of active layer thickness (ALT) measurements based on soil temperatures in the Russian Arctic. The active layer is the top layer of ground that freezes in...- dataset Archive
Characterization of Potentially Jurassic-Age Mummified Organic Material, Elle...
This data set investigates the characteristics and spatial distribution of a mummified forest deposit in Quttinirpaaq National Park, Canada. Analyses include palynological...- dataset PDF Archive Image