EarthScope USArray Transportable Array (TA) Surface Pressure Observations Sam...
The EarthScope USArray Transportable Array (TA) contains over 400 seismic station platforms deployed in a pseudo-grid fashion (spaced approximately 70 km apart) across a portion...- dataset HDF
Atmospheric Initial and Boundary Conditions
This dataset contains atmospheric initial and boundary conditions for Arctic Regional Climate Model Intercomparison Project (ARCMIP) in HDF format. The data include seven...- dataset HDF ASCII
STAR MODIS Cloud Satellite Dataset
The changing climate represents one of the most important ecological issues concerning our planet. Changes in atmospheric trace gases, cloud over, cloud type, solar radiation,...- dataset HDF
DC3 4 June 2012 West Texas Case
This dataset includes data over the region of interest from three platforms in support of a study of charge polarity for the Deep Convective Clouds & Chemistry Project...- dataset NetCDF HDF ASCII
The International Surface Pressure Databank version 3
Notice: A newer version of this dataset, the International Surface Pressure Databank version 4, is available in RDA dataset ds132.2 [https://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds132.2/]....- dataset HDF
The International Surface Pressure Databank version 4
This dataset contains the International Surface Pressure Databank version 4.7 (ISPDv4), the world's largest collection of pressure observations. It has been gathered through...- dataset HDF
International Surface Pressure Databank (ISPDv2)
The International Surface Pressure Databank (ISPD; Cram et al. 2015) [http://reanalyses.org/observations/international-surface-pressure-databank] is the world's largest...- dataset HDF