Vegetation Studies: Seward Peninsula 2000 (PDF) [Walker, D.]
This dataset contains a data report which summarizes information that was collected as part of the NSF-sponsored Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmospheric System (ATLAS)...- dataset PDF
OKMESO Soil Moisture Data (various OCS versions)
This dataset contains the Oklahoma Mesonet 30-Minute Soil Moisture Data. The Oklahoma Climatological Survey (OCS) supplied the raw data, which contained calibrated and...- dataset PDF ASCII
Canadian Transect for the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map (CAVM) Data Repor...
This dataset includes sampling schemes, site descriptions, soil descriptions and properties, plant species cover, and photographs of the Canadian Transect during July and August...- dataset Excel PDF
Vegetation Studies: Seward Peninsula, Alaska [Walker, D.]
This dataset summarizes information that was collected as part of the Arctic Transitions in the Land-Atmosphere System (ATLAS) project called "Arctic Climate Change,...- dataset PDF
METCRAX-II 5 minute ISFS data, tilt corrected
This dataset contains 5 minute ISFS data collected from 27 September to 2 November 2013 as part of the Meteor Crater Experiment II (METCRAX-II). These data are in NetCDF format,...- dataset NetCDF PDF
Oklahoma Mesonet Soil Moisture Data
This dataset contains the IHOP Oklahoma Mesonet 30-Minute Soil Moisture Data for the IHOP time of interest. The Oklahoma Climatological Survey (OCS) supplied the raw data, which...- dataset PDF ASCII
January and July Simulation Experiments With the 2.5 Latitude-longitude Versi...
This technical note documents the capability of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), 2.5�� latitude-longitude, second-generation, 6-layer General Circulation...- publication PDF
Happy Valley Permanent Vegetation Plots
This dataset contains Happy Valley Permanent Vegetation Plots data, including environmental, soil, and vegetation information collected from 55 releve plots at the Happy Valley...- dataset Excel PDF Image
Terrain and Vegetation of Toolik Lake, AK: Permanent Plots
This data set is a summary of environmental, soil, and vegetation information collected from 81 study plots at the Toolik Lake research site in northern Alaska. Data include...- dataset Excel OTHER PDF ASCII
Canadian Transect of Soils and Vegetation for the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetati...
This dataset contains Canadian Transect of Soils and Vegetation for the Circumpolar Arctic Vegetation Map data. The report summarizes environmental, vegetation, and soil data...- dataset Excel PDF ASCII
Terrain and Vegetation of Imnavait Creek, AK: Permanent Plots
This data report is a summary of environmental, soil, and vegetation information collected from 73 study plots at the Department of Energy R4D research site, located near...- dataset PDF ASCII
Terrain and Vegetation of Imnavait Creek, AK: Classification and Mapping
Investigators classified typical and characteristic vegetation communities in an area in northern Alaska using Braun-Blanquet sorted table analysis, and mapped the communities...- dataset PDF ASCII
Terrain and Vegetation of Imnavait Creek, AK: Toposequence Study
This data report is a summary of environmental, soil, and vegetation information collected from 23 study plots at the Department of Energy R4D research site, located near...- dataset PDF ASCII
Vegetation and Site Characterization, 1998-99 ATLAS Grid Transect, Northern A...
This data set contains Vegetation and Site Characterization data from the 1998-99 ATLAS Grid Transect, Northern Alaska. This data set comprises the text and data presented in...- dataset Excel PDF Image