SMART-R1 Radar, miscellaneous product files, tar archives ver-1
This data set contains miscellaneous product files (version 1) from the SMART-R1 radar data taken during the DYNAMO (Dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation) project. There...- dataset Archive
SMART-R Mobile Radar Data
This data set contains the sweep files from the University of Oklahoma Shared Mobile Atmospheric Research and Teaching Radar (SMART-R) mobile radars that operated in locations...- dataset Archive
SMART-R2 Radar Data
This data set contains DORADE sweepfile data from the University of Oklahoma SMART-R2 radar collected furing the VORTEX2 project. Sweepfiles are in gzipped tar files according...- dataset Archive
SMART-R2 Mobile Radar Data
This data set contains data from the University of Oklahoma SMART-R2 (Shared Mobile Atmospheric Research and Teaching Radar) mobile radar during the VORTEX-SE 2017 field season....- dataset Archive
SMART-R1 Radar, moments data in Universal format, corrected, ver-1
This data set contains Universal format files (version 1) of SMART-R1 radar data taken during the DYNAMO (Dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation) project. The data are...- dataset Archive
SMART-R1 Radar, moments data in cfRadial format, corrected, ver-1
This data set contains cfRadial format files (version 1) of SMART-R1 radar data taken during the DYNAMO (Dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation) project. The data are...- dataset Archive
SMART-R 2 Mobile Radar Data
This data set contains C-band dual polarized Doppler radar data from the mobile radar known as SMART Radar-2 which is operated by the University of Oklahoma. The data were...- dataset Archive
SMART-R 1 Mobile Radar Data
This data set contains C-band single polarized Doppler radar data from the mobile radar known as SMART Radar-1 which is operated by the University of Oklahoma. The data were...- dataset Archive
SMART-R1 Radar Data
This data set contains DORADE sweepfile data from the University of Oklahoma SMART-R1 radar collected during the VORTEX2 project. Sweepfiles are in gzipped tar files according...- dataset Archive
SMART-R Radar, 2-Km gridded parameters in NetCDF format, corrected, ver-1
This data set contains NetCDF format files (version 1) of SMART-R1 radar data taken during the DYNAMO (Dynamics of the Madden-Julian Oscillation) project. The data are available...- dataset Archive