Seabird Colony-based Studies 04.37 2009 (B65)
This dataset is focused on response variables for surface-feeding Black-legged Kittiwake and deep diving Thick-billed Murre at breeding colonies on St. Paul and St. George...- dataset Excel PDF XML
Seabird Colony-based Studies 04.37 2008 (B65)
This dataset is focused on response variables for surface-feeding Black-legged Kittiwake and deep diving Thick-billed Murre at breeding colonies on St. Paul and St. George...- dataset Excel PDF XML
Seabird Colony-based Studies 04.37 2010 (B65)
This dataset is focused on response variables for surface-feeding Black-legged Kittiwake and deep diving Thick-billed Murre at breeding colonies on St. Paul and St. George...- dataset Excel PDF XML
HLY0601 Benthic Summary
This dataset contains measurements of benthic infauna at each station, parameters (abundance, biomass (g/m2), biomass (gC/m2), number of taxa) and the top ranked family/species...- dataset Excel PDF
HLY-08-01 Calibration, Underway, Bottle (Chlorophyll, Nutrients, CTD) and Out...
This dataset includes calibration, underway and outreach data in addition to cruise reports from the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program...- dataset Archive PDF ASCII Excel
HLY0601 Master Station
This dataset contains measurements at each station of benthic parameters, including bottom water parameters (e.g., temperature, salinity), benthic chlorophyll-a values (bottom...- dataset Excel PDF
PSEA-10-01 Nitrate and carbon uptake rates (in-situ) and particulate carbon a...
This dataset includes data from the U.S. Coast Guard Polar Sea 10-01 cruise. The data are formatted as Excel and PDF documents. These are the results of in-situ incubations of...- dataset Excel PDF
TN249 Bridge Logs [Ashjian/UW]
This dataset includes weather and navigation data from the bridge logs onboard the UNOLS R/V Thompson ship during the Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem...- dataset PDF
HLY-09-02 Elog Event Data [Ashjian/LDEO]
This dataset contains the technician's narrative of important events which occurred both to the network and to individual sensors onboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC)...- dataset Archive PDF XML ASCII
HLY-07-01 EK60 Acoustic Backscatter Data [DeRobertis, A.]
This dataset includes Acoustic Backscatter Data taken during the US Coast Guard Cutter Healy Bering Sea Ecosystem Study-Bering Sea Integrated Ecosystem Research Program...- dataset PDF ASCII
Nitrogen and carbon uptake rates (on-deck) and particulate carbon and nitroge...
This dataset includes data from the HLY0701, HLY0802, HLY0803, HLY0902, and KN195-10 cruises. The data are formatted as Excel and PDF documents. These are the results of...- dataset Excel PDF
Summary Figures of Food Webs and Stable Isotopes [Dunton-Whiteaker]
This data set contains a PDF portfolio containing three PDFs summarizing food webs and stable isotopes in the Western Arctic (Bering, Beaufort, Chukchi Seas). One PDF is a...- dataset PDF
Animida and cAnimida Data [Batelle]
This dataset contains information specifically for the Arctic Nearshore Impact Monitoring in the Development Area (ANIMIDA 1999 - 2002) and continuation of Arctic Nearshore...- dataset Archive PDF OTHER
Nathaniel B. Palmer Cruise NBP0304A Underway Data
This dataset contains the results of the Nathaniel B. Palmer (NBP) ship data acquisition system data logger from the SBI Palmer Cruise NBP0304A. All data have been compressed...- dataset OTHER PDF Image Movie ASCII Archive Binary
R/V Ron Brown Sub- and super-micron major ions-7 stage (netCDF)
This dataset contains aerosol sub- and super- micron nss sulfate, MSA, ammonium and other major ion measurements, using 7-stage multi-jet cascade impactors, taken aboard the Ron...- dataset NetCDF PDF
NOAA R/V Ron Brown Stratus 9/VOCALS Cruise Technical Report
This dataset contains the "Stratus 9/VOCALS Ninth Setting of the Stratus Ocean Reference Station & VOCALS Regional Experiment Technical Report," Woods Hole...- dataset PDF
Mexican CICESE R/V Francisco de Ulloa CTD Data
This dataset contains Conductivity-Temperature-Depth (CTD) data for the NAME cruises of the CICESE Research Vessel (R/V) Francisco de Ulloa in the Gulf of California. The cruise...- dataset PDF ASCII
Primary Production Estimate of Sea Ice Algae [Gradinger, R.]
This data set includes Primary Production Estimates of Sea Ice Algae collected during the SBI spring U.S. Coast Guard Cutter (USCGC) Healy 2002 cruise. See the readme file for...- dataset PDF
R/V Ron Brown Sub- and super-micron major ions-7 stage (ASCII)
This dataset contains aerosol sub- and super- micron nss sulfate, MSA, ammonium and other major ion measurements, using 7-stage multi-jet cascade impactors, taken aboard the Ron...- dataset PDF ASCII
Ron Brown Cruise Reports - Leg 1
This report documents the work done on cruise RB-01-08 of the NOAA R/V Ron Brown. This was Leg 1 of R/V Ron Brown's participation in Eastern Pacific Investigation of Climate...- dataset Archive PDF