NCEP ADP Global Surface Observational Weather Data, October 1999 - continuing
NCEP ADP Global Surface Observational Weather Data are composed of surface weather reports operationally collected by the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP)....- dataset ASCII Binary
ICOADS Input Data Sources
This dataset contains auxiliary, preliminary, and other datasets that are in preparation to be included in a future ICOADS release. Data are provided either in IMMA1 or native...- dataset Binary ASCII
Bunker Climate Atlas of the North Atlantic Ocean
The basic version of this North Atlantic dataset was created by Andrew Bunker of Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution. He analyzed observations from the ship reports of the...- dataset ASCII
Miscellaneous GATE Surface and Upper Air Data, 1974jun-1974sep
This collection of surface and upper air observations were made during the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE). GATE was the first major experiment of the Global...- dataset Binary ASCII
CLIMAP Climatic Boundary Conditions for 18,000 years before present
Northern Hemisphere present and 18,000 years before present, sea surface temperature, elevation, vegetation, soil type, and glacial ice from the CLIMAP project. Coarse...- dataset ASCII
Wave Data Observations from Canadian Buoys
Data from Canadian buoys through November 1998, data from two NOAA buoys now operated by Canada, and data from three Canadian waverider buoys.- dataset ASCII
Rand's Global Sea Surface Temperature and Ice Climatology
Monthly Average SST and Ice-Pack Limits, based on 1970s and pre-1970s data, derived from DS270.0 [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds270.0/] and Navy data.- dataset ASCII
Tropical Pacific Ocean 20-Year Surface Heat Budget
Monthly and annual means of various heat budget terms were derived for the tropical Pacific Ocean for a period of 20 years between 1957 and 1976, inclusive, from about five...- dataset ASCII
Canadian Climate Centre Model Outputs for Carbon Dioxide Studies
The second generation General Circulation Model (GCMII) at the Canadian Climate Centre was used to run a CO2 experiment in which the current climate (1xCO2) was compared with a...- dataset ASCII
Digitized Global Monthly Mean Ocean Surface Temperatures
Various hand-drawn sea-surface temperature charts were digitized and monthly means were produced, to be used by NCAR's general circulation model.- dataset ASCII
Tropical Marine Climatic Atlas, by Sadler
Monthly Climatology based on 1900-1979 COADS 2 by 2 degree monthly summary data, and in the case of surface pressure the NCAR 5 by 5 long term climatology.- dataset ASCII
Shea and Trenberth's Global Monthly Sea Surface Temperature Climatology
Shea, Trenberth, and Reynolds (CAC) made improvements to the Reynolds (CAC) SST data set in the regions of the Gulf Stream and Kuroshio Current.- dataset ASCII
Global Ocean Surface Temperature Atlas (GOSTA), and Land Surface Atlas
GOSTAplus (Atlas 8) and the Blended Land Surface and SST Atlas were taked from the GOSTAplus CDROM received at NCAR February 1998. The period of record for these grids is...- dataset ASCII
NMC ADP Global Surface Observations Subsets
Intended for area subsets extracted from ds464.0 by DSS. Presently just for Greenland, January 1978 to May 1999.- dataset ASCII
U.S.S.R. Surface 6- and 3-hourly Surface Synoptic Observations 1936-1983
This dataset contains daily 6-hourly and 3-hourly surface observations for many U.S.S.R. stations for January 1936 to December 1983.- dataset ASCII
Kuwait Oil Fires Archive, 1991
This is data extracted from various NCEP observed and analyzed datasets and then put in our RPTOUT format to support the Kuwait Oil Fires studies.- dataset Binary ASCII
Mean hydrographic analyses of the North Atlantic, by Fukumori
Hydrography analysis for the North Atlantic ocean including temperature, salinity, oxygen, phosphate, nitrate, and silicate. Based on data from 1981-1985.- dataset ASCII
NODC EPOCS Drifting Buoy Observations
These drifting buoy data, collected for the Equatorial Pacific Ocean Climate Studies (EPOCS), contain sea-surface temperature data at six-hourly intervals.- dataset ASCII
Ship Observations from the JMA Kobe Collection
Ship logbook data digitized from the Kobe collection, by programs sponsored by the Japanese Meteorological Agency (JMA), and the Nippon Foundation.- dataset Binary ASCII
Global Sea Ice and SST (GISST) Analyses, from the Hadley Centre for Climate P...
NOTE: The GISST time series will be discontinued on February 2003. HadISST [http://rda.ucar.edu/datasets/ds277.3/], also from the Hadley Centre for Climate Prediction and...- dataset ASCII