200 resources found

Keywords: sea level pressure Resource Formats: Image

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  • NCEP GFS Forecast Products Imagery - Sea Level Pressure

    This dataset contains sea level pressure NCEP GFS forecast imagery taken during the HIPPO project. The data is in PNG format. The data covers the time span from 2008-12-31...
  • HPC North America Surface Analysis Imagery

    The HPC North America Surface Analysis Imagery (GIF)is one of several surface products collected as part of the Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus PhaseII:...
  • NWS Ocean Prediction Center Surface Analysis Products

    This dataset consists of gif images from the National Weather Service Ocean Prediction Center (OPC) Surface Analysis plots taken during the PRE-Depression Investigation of...
  • NOAA/NCEP GFS Forecast Products

    This data set contains NOAA/NCEP GFS forecast model imagery over the Western Pacific Ocean. Products include 200mb heights/winds, 200mb height anomaly, 500mb heights and PMSL,...
  • UK MetOffice 1 Degree Forecast Imagery

    This data set contains 1.0 Degree UK MetOffice forecast imagery. The forecast products are available at 6 hourly intervals out to 36 hours and 12 hourly intervals from 36 to 120...
  • COAMPS 54km Imagery Subset

    The COAMPS 54km Imagery (GIF) is one of several model products collected as part of the Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus PhaseII: Entrainment Studies (DYCOMS-II)...
  • NRL COAMPS Adjoint Forward Model 60h Forecast Imagery

    This data set contains NRL COAMPS Adjoint Forward Model 60 hour forecast imagery over the Western Pacific Ocean. Products include precipitation (6 hourly and accumulated),...
  • Regional Surface Station Plot Imagery

    The Regional Surface Station Plot Imagery (GIF) is one of several surface products collected as part of the Dynamics and Chemistry of Marine Stratocumulus PhaseII: Entrainment...
  • Canadian Ensemble Forecast Imagery

    This data set contains several forecast image products from the 20 member Canadian ensemble forecast system over North America. The products are available from the 00 and 12 UTC...
  • AFWA MM5 45km Imagery

    These data are AFWA MM5 Forecast product model images for the last half of the field phase of the T-REX experiment. Data are available for 31 March 2006 - 30 April 2006,. They...
  • WRF 12KM Surface Mean Sea-Level Pressure Forecast Imagery

    This dataset contains Weather and Research Forecast Model (WRF) 12 kilometer mean SLP forecast imagery taken during the ICE-L project. Average sea-level pressure is shown from...
  • University of Arizona 9 km WRF Model Forecast Imagery

    This data set contains WRF_UAZ_9km imagery from the NAME Field Catalog. The following imagery products are included: 700mb_RH, 925mb_RH, precip_30min, sfcdewpt, sfctemp.
  • OPC Surface Analysis Imagery

    This dataset consists of gif images from the National Weather Service Ocean Prediction Center (OPC) Surface Analysis plots taken during the Ice in Clouds Experiment - Tropical...
  • WRF ARW 15km Kain-Fritsch Convective Parameterization Forecast Products for G...

    This dataset consists of WRF ARW 15km with Kain-Fritsch Convective Parameterization Model Products for Galapagos for the Tropical Ocean tRoposphere Exchange of Reactive halogen...
  • NCEP WRF NMM Imagery

    This dataset contains images developed from the National Centers for Environmental Prediction (NCEP) Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) Non-Hydrastatic Meso-Scale Model...
  • ECMWF Forecast Model Imagery

    This data set contains forecast imagery from the ECMWF model over the Western Pacific Ocean. Three products are included in this data set: divergence and 200 mb streamlines; sea...
  • GTS Station Plot Imagery - Arizona [NCAR/EOL]

    This data set contains GTS station plot imagery of Arizona from the CuPIDO Field Catalog.
  • BoM GASP MSL 24-hr Forecast Imagery

    The Australian Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) routinely produced Mean Sea Level (MSL) forecasts from its Global/Regional Assimilation Prognosis (GASP) model runs. Two model runs...
  • NMC eta Model 1000mb Maps

    NMC eta Model 1000mb Analyses for the GCIP/GIST period.
  • GTS Station Plot Colorado Regional Imagery

    This dataset contains GTS Station Plot Colorado regional imagery produced during the DC3 project. The imagery are in GIF format. The imagery cover the time span from 2012-05-01...